Part 11

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When Victor came back, he handed me the latest iPhone with the case I chose on the back.

"Victor, I can't accept this, it's too much!" I protest.

"Nothing is too much for my princess, just say thank you." I opened my mouth to protest more, but I stopped myself knowing I wasn't going to change his mind.
"Thank you Victor." I reply instead.
"Better." He says with a smile.
The rest of the day we hanged out at Kota's playing on the Xbox, watching films and the boys teaching me how to use the phones. When school would have finished I said goodbye to the boys and walk across the road and enter through the kitchen. I listen to the house to see if there is anyone home. I can hear my mother's snores in her bedroom. Marie isn't home yet as I can't hear her. I sneak up to my room and turn on my stereo. 10 minutes later I can hear my mom stirring and walking around downstairs. I wait for the shout of my name, but I hear nothing. I relax, grab a book and settle down. I was just reading about the lead girl being led through the cellars by her captors and ending up at a well, being told that she had to go into it and stay there for a couple of days, when Marie slammed the front door behind her, she then goes into my mom's room and I tune out not wanting to know what they are talking about. I knew what the lead girl felt like with a horrid person keeping you away from the love(s) of your life not allowing you to see them. 5 minutes later I heard the inevitable – my name being shouted up the stairs by my mom.

"SANG, GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE!" I sigh putting my book down and walk out of my room and down the stairs. I walk into her room where she is lying in her bed watching the news.

"So you decided to come back to us, I don't get why, you're not wanted. Where were you?"

"Um..." I say putting my finger up to my lip.

"Don't bother; you're just going to lie. I know you were being a whore anyway. I'm not going to let you do that it my house; I want you out of this house in 20 minutes. You're just like your mother. " She says before looking back to the TV. I freeze at her last sentence. Just like your mother. It keeps circling in my head.

"Get out of my room bitch." She says.

I stumble up to my room and look around my room. I don't have much to actually pack. I have a chest which I kept most of my stuff in, my clothes and maybe my stereo. I stuff everything into my chest and look around my room again. I should say I'm going to miss it, but I'm not. It suddenly sinks in. Where am I going to live? I decide that I should let the boys know. I try them all but get a wall in response. They must be blocking their minds. I try calling them with my new phone but they don't answer. I don't think that it is enough to warrant any of the buttons either. I grab a handle of the chest and drag it towards the stairs. When I go past Marie's room, she pokes her head out, looks at the chest I'm pulling, smirks and goes back into her room. I drag it down the stairs, making it thump down each step. I don't bother looking in on my step? mom. I walk out of the door without looking back. I decide to go over to Kota's and see if the boys are there. I knock on the door and get no answer. I do the same with Nathan's and get the same response.

I sit down on the porch outside deciding to wait for the boys to come back.

A/N Sorry I know I left it on a cliff hanger! Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

CC ;)

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