Part 1

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I was running through the forest in my wolf form. Something was crashing through the trees behind me. I turned my head to see what was chasing me and saw hunters. I pushed myself to run faster but I couldn't. They were gaining on me. I heard a gunshot being fired.

I woke up sweating. I looked around my room and saw that nothing was different. I looked at the time; it was 1 am. I knew I would not get any sleep after the dream. I could feel my wolf, Melody (unlike the werewolf that can only change on the full moon, we can change whenever we want to), wanting to get out and run. I listened to the house for any signs of anyone awake, I heard nothing. I went to my window. I could see in the reflection of the glass that my eyes were no longer green; they were a golden yellow color meaning that Melody was near the surface. I opened my window and jumped out. I ran to the trees. When I got out of sight, I stripped down and let the shift happen. My wolf was white, black and brown. I let Melody take over and she ran for 20 minutes before heading back to where I had left my clothes and got dressed. Once I was dressed I made my way to the back door and opened it and listened to see if anyone was awake. Once I was sure that they weren't I went up to my room.

The next morning I woke up to my mom shouting up the stairs.

"SANG!" I got changed then I made my way into the kitchen where my mom, dad and Marie were sat.

"What did you want?"

"Your father wanted to tell you something."

"I have been offered a job in Charleston, South Carolina and have accepted. We are moving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Go pack your things." He said before walking out ignoring my question.

"You can pack mine and Marie's too, freak." My mom and Marie are humans so they "punish me" because they think I am "a freak of nature". I didn't go to sleep that night until well after midnight. The next morning my dad woke me up before dawn saying we were leaving. I had to sit through a car journey with Marie and my mom calling me names for 14 hours.

We have been here for a few weeks and I have been stuck in the house. My mom won't let me out of the house otherwise she will punish me. It was dark out and I decided I needed to get out of the house and stay somewhere else for the night. I made my way silently out of the house and up the road. Keeping to the shadows I walked towards where I knew there was an abandoned house. I was a couple of steps out of my driveway when I heard something running towards me. I was about to turn and run when I felt a force knock me over. I started to panic which made Melody panic and try to take over. I knew my eyes had turned the golden yellow that meant that Melody was close to the surface. I was about to let her take over when I felt something wet on my cheek. It was a tongue. I tried to push the dog off of me but he wouldn't move.

"HEY! ARE YOU OK?" I heard from up the street. "MAX, GET OFF OF HER!" The dog, Max, moved off of me. I looked for any injuries. I saw I had a graze on my wrist. I knew that it would be healed in two days. The person had gotten to me by now. I saw that it was a boy with light brown hair with green eyes behind some black rimmed glasses. He was a head taller than me and had definition to his muscles.

"Are you OK? I am so sorry!"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said trying to hide my eyes from him. He pulled my head up with a finger under my chin. He didn't say anything about my eyes so they must be back to green.

"Are you sure? The garage was open and I was just putting him in his bed and he ran out of the garage. He doesn't usually do that." He looked to my arm. "Oh, I am so sorry."

"It's fine." I replied. "He must have smelt me." He probably smelt that I smelt like a dog (not to humans).

"Can I at least patch you up? I would feel a lot better."


"I have hot chocolate." I smiled.

"OK then." He started to walk down the road and I followed.

"What about your dog?"

"He'll follow." When we got to his house it was one storey with a room over the garage. The garage door was open and he went into it. Max went into a cage and lay down. We went into the house and up a staircase to the room above the garage.

"I'll be back in a minute," He said with a smile. I smiled back. I saw a bench under the window and went to sit there. He came back in five minutes with two mugs and a first aid kit. He put the two mugs on the desk and came over to where I was sat. He cleaned the wound in silence.

"What's your name?"


"I don't know your name."

"Kota, I know weird right?"

"It's no weirder than Sang. Anyway I like weird names." I looked up to see him with a blush on his cheeks.

"There you go." He said patting the bandage. He went to get the two mugs off of the desk. He handed one to me.

"So what were you doing out this late?"

"I wanted to get away for the night. I was going to the abandoned house down the road.

"If you knew that it was abandoned don't you think that other people would as well?"

"I can take care of myself." I replied looking down at my mug.

"OK, if you want to stay away from your house for the night, would you like to stay here?" I looked to his bed.

"Um..." I said putting my finger to my lip.

"I have a roll away bed underneath, you take my bed and I will take the roll away bed."

"I'll take the roll away bed." I offered.

"No. It's fine you take my bed."


"As we haven't finished our hot chocolate yet why don't we play 20 questions? Get to know each other."

"OK," I said taking a sip.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Pink. Yours?"

"Hunter green. Favorite food?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes." We continued with the questions until we finished our drinks.

"Do you have any PJ's in your bag?"

"No. I was going to sleep in this."

"I'll get you something you can wear." He went into the closet and came back with some pajama bottoms and a shirt.

"You can use the bathroom to change." He said.

"Thanks," I said taking them from him. I had to pull the tie quite a bit for the bottoms to fit and the shirt was too big on me. Kota was nice and not like my mom says everyone is. I stepped out of the bathroom and went to the bed. Kota came up a couple of minutes later and turned the light off getting into the roll away bed.

"Goodnight Sang."

"Goodnight Kota." I rolled over in the bed.

A/N: I hope you liked it! Tell me what you think Sang's wolf Melody ^

CC ;)

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