Part 52 (2/3)

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All I can see for a moment is West, and no sign of my step-mother beneath. A part of me holds back, wanting to see her experience the pain she put me through, but the other part of me which is bigger, didn't have time to react before more wolves came out of the woods, to give aid to West. I hold back, my side still bleeding, but I'll worry about that later, when the guys are all safe.

Some of the wolves who have joined, nip at West, but don't touch him. Silas, or rather Lykos pulls at the scruff of his neck, and the fur there, but doesn't bite hard enough to injure him.The wolves move back eventually, and West goes with them, albeit reluctantly. They don't move far, keeping an eye on every movement she makes as she clambers to her feet. I expect her to retreat, admitting defeat now that the guys are here, but instead she resumes waving the knife around wildly, aiming for my mates now. She screams profanities, and lunges, like she had at me. The boys dodge the blade, and Nathan as Lobo retreats to stand next to me. I place the hand that's not clutching onto my wound on his head, and he pushes into it. The connection erupts between us, and I scrunch his fur in my fingers, trying to give him some comfort back. He'll undoubtedly feel the pain I'm in, and be worried. I let go, and let the soft fur run through my fingers. A low vibration sounds in the air, and goes through my hand. I smile, opening the connection even more, entering his mind.

"You ok, peanut?" he asks, as soon as he feels me there.

"I will be, now you're here."

"Well, you're still standing that's a good sign," Dr. Green's voice joins in. I smile. "I'll be there soon, and I'll have a look at you then."

I look around at the wolves here and see that Victor, Gabriel, Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne are all not here.

Nathan answers my unspoken question, but seeing as though I'm in his head, he probably did hear it. "They're still with the man in the mask. We finally caught him, and we don't want him getting away."

The pain in my side is slowly diminishing as I talk to Nathan, and feel the presence of my mates around me.

My step-mom is back on the floor, when I look back to her. West and Lobo are standing over her, Lykos' big paws heavy against her chest, while West is trying to use his paws to get her to let go of the knife. It's not working very well, and I worry that West will damage her arm. I glance to Lobo next to me, wondering if he'll try to stop me, and then up to Pi, who is standing nearby watching on with Reese standing attention next to him. Will they stop me? Hopefully, they'll understand that I won't get hurt, especially the Lykos and West standing there. I scurry forward, bending and lifting West's heavy paw away from her arm. West's eyes come up to look at me, before he can act, I grab the knife out of my step-mom's hand. It burns my hand as soon as I pick it up, and I drop it as fast as possible. Reece runs up to me when I'm safe, and give a long lick over my injured hand. It soothes it instantly.

"Thank you," I murmur. A commotion behind me has me whipping around, and I see that the arm I freed has allowed my step-mom to fight back. Even though she doesn't have a weapon, it takes Silas who is on top of her by surprise. She brings her weight from under him, and shoves him off. I call his name as I see him fall to his side, but he rolls and twists back onto his paws, looking in my direction to give me some reassurance.

North tries to stop her, but she scrabbles to her feet, and spins. She begins to scream in an ear-piercing pitch about wolves being in the neighborhood, and for someone to call the authorities. The trees and leaves behind me rustle, and I spin to find the rest of the guys, in their human forms coming out of the trees accompanied by the man in a mask, I assume, but I can't be sure, with his mask off. He isn't recognizable to me, looking about my parents' age, and for some reason I thought he would be younger, but other than that, he looks like someone I would see on the street and not think anything more of. Why the mask?

My step-mom's almost feral eyes fall onto the masked man, and I see her brain take a moment to realize who he is, before she starts screaming to him as well. Mr. Blackbourne calls out in a stern voice to North and Silas to stay where they are, and they listen, although they do come back and join our group.

"You! You were meant to be on my side. You're meant to help me! I payed you, and you can't go against your contract. You did a half-ass job sixteen years ago, and you can't even do it now," my step-moms words come out in screams, and when I look back to the man they're aimed at, his eyes find mine. They're wide as they go over the wolves around me, before finally resting on me. He lifts his head and composes himself, and speaks in a confident clear voice. It's jarring to think that this is the same man who was in the mask, and had his voice disguised, as the one in front of me. He sounds different to how I expected. His voice is higher, than the distorted one.

"I did the job you asked for me to do."

"You still didn't get rid of her!" my step-mom screams even louder, jabbing her finger in my direction.

"You said to get rid of your prospective husband's girlfriend, and I did that. She didn't come into our negotiations."

My brain ticks over slowly, and it begins to dawn on me. My step-mother wanted my real mother gone, and the way she thought that would happen was to contact Volto?

Hey guys!

As you are able to see with the title, this is the second of three parts, and the third, and final, part for this book (excluding any extra parts that I do) will be up in just over a week, I'm going to give myself until the 24th, and the reason for the longer wait this time, is so that I'm able to possibly write an extra part for you, so I can tell you more about that next time!

I hope you enjoyed it!

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CC ;)

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