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This part took forever and I am so sorry about that. A lot went on this week, but I should be back on top of the updates now - the next one will be up on the 14th (but depending on how long it is, I might have to push it back a day - not this many times though just the one most likely. I'll post about it on my page, so if you want, you can follow me to get the notifications). Hope this one was worth the wait.

Arriving at the campground was uneventful. I was half expecting a welcome parade, or something extravagant, to greet us, but it was just a normal campsite, with nothing out of the ordinary about it. It wasn't even clear, other than the smell in the air, that there were other shifters here for the same reason. The way the Academy was made out to me, meant I was under the impression that something more than a normal campsite was waiting for us. I wasn't complaining, however, because it eased the feeling of it being a big deal. It's just camping at the moment, the big thing will come when I meet the Academy tomorrow.

Until then I'm just trying to enjoy myself. Spending some quality time with all of the guys will do us all good. It feels like I've not seen some of them for weeks, apart from at school, and I can't wait to just have a vacation from everyday life. We've constantly been on the go, with me being pulled from one guy to another, so for us to have a chance to have a vacation from that has me excited.

The car ride down here reflected that, and even though North, who was driving, got tired of the music soon enough, Gabriel and Luke had made a playlist of different songs that I would like, which we danced and sang to.

Silas had kept sneaking glances back to me in the mirror, and North in turn watched Silas as he did so, and on a few occasions, I assumed that they were speaking silently to each other. I didn't pry.

The guys all knew that Silas had marked me, as they had all felt similarly to when Kota and Victor did so, but this time when I met them all this morning at the cars, there were curious looks over me for it. It wasn't visible, and when asked where it was Silas just smirked and stayed silent. I followed his lead and hoped that no one would try and enter my mind to find out. If they had, no one has spoken up on the matter, and I haven't really felt any poking around from any of them today, apart from check-ins by the other car.

Being squashed between Gabriel and Luke didn't help with the fresh mark, because every time either of them brushed past it, or the seatbelt touched it, or my shirt brushed it I would squirm in my seat, suddenly overheating. Every time that would happen, Silas would sneak another glance back at me with a smirk.

I was thankful to finally get out of the car, and the guys all gave me questioning looks at my flustered face and the ever-growing feeling they must have been feeling as well but didn't push it further.

Silas brushed past me, his arm touching the mark and I can't tell if it was deliberate or not, but either way, a smirk was firmly planted on his lips.

"Silas," I groan, crossing my arms. He chuckles, clutching one of my arms lightly, pulling me toward our empty lot.

"Come on, Aggele."

I spot Nathan by the trees assessing the lot, and I break away from Silas to go to him, wanting to spend some time with him. Even with us both living in the same house, the past weeks where we have been together alone have been few and far between. I've missed him, and hope we can spend some more time together on this trip.

He sees me coming up to him, and smiles. "Hey, peanut. You alright?" He pulls me into his side and kisses me on the top of my head.

"Yeah. I've never been camping, so I'm kind of excited. You OK, honey?"

"I'm great. Just glad to have a break."

"Me too," I agree.

"We've never been to this campground before, but I heard that there's a beach here."

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