Part 23

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I start to come back to my senses and sniff the air. Moss and berries hits my nose along with something delicious. Chocolate. I smile and slowly open my eyes. I am met with satiny sheets. I sit up and look around the room. A white marble fireplace took up one of the walls. A few, comfy looking chairs matched the rug and bed, all of them being white. This contrasted to the dark grey and the one silver wall. A baby grand piano sat in one of the corners. I could hear someone moving around in one of the other rooms. I pull my feet out of the bed and rest them on the dark wood floor. I look down and see that Victor had taken my shoes off, but left me in the rest of the clothes Gabe had given me. I padded my way to the door and open it slightly. I peek out, and see no one. I open the door wider and slip out into the hall. I walk to the end and poke my head into the living area. I didn't see Victor anywhere. I walk back down the hall and try the other doors. I walk to a pair of twin doors and knock.I hear a rustling of papers and then Victor shout out.

"Yes?" He asks. I open one of the doors and look in. Victor is sat behind a big mahogany desk with monitors in front of him. The walls are wood panel and resting against one is a long table with broken computers on top. On another wall is a bookcase holding binders and books.

"Princess." He says smiling when he sees me. I walk further into the room.

"Did you sleep OK?" He asks. I nod. He pushes himself back from the desk and pats his lap.

"Want to watch me work?" He asks. I smile and go and sit on his lap. He rests his chin on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me so he can reach the keyboard. I look at the screen and see numbers, that mean nothing to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Sorry, Princess, I can't tell you, Academy." I have totally forgotten about the boys going to a mysterious school called the Academy, I have been so busy lately.

I watch him work for a while before he talks.

"Are you hungry know?" He asks just as my stomach growls. He chuckles.

"We better feed you then, shouldn't we?" He says kissing my cheek. I blush, not expecting it.

"I've had the others bugging me about you, seeing if you were OK, I told them you were asleep, I had North bugging me to make you eat something when you woke up. They would probably like it if you contacted them someway to let them know you're OK, maybe do it now, as it's lunch." He suggests.

"OK." I say, happily. Victor starts to shut down when we hear footsteps outside of the door. I hold my breath as the door opens.

A/N: Here you go, sorry I haven't updated in a while! It might be about the same wait as I am meant to be editing the books, but have forgot recently so I will be doing that now for the books I haven't done (including this one). :)

I have also started co-writing a book with an amazing writer - RebbeccaMartin , it's called Call Me Master, I am/will be writing Dean's part! So go and check it out if you want to. :)

Who do you think is on the other side of the door? First person to guess right will be mentioned in the next part! :)

What did you think?

What did you think of The Healing Power of Sugar? I personally loved and really enjoyed it!

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CC ;)

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