Part 34

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We end up eating some Greek food that Silas had in the fridge. It was delicious. I felt slightly better after eating, but I still felt the huge gap between me and the rest of the boys. Just as I was finishing, North left to make a phone call.

"Why doesn't North want me to meet Axel's team or the academy?" I ask Silas.

"He doesn't exactly get along with one of the members of Axel's team. I know he wants you to be a part of the Academy so there are no secrets, but he also doesn't want you to be taken away from us."

"I would be taken away from you? You're my mates." I ask confused.

"Our situation is unique. We have contacts that we are calling so we can try and do it, without exposing you. You will eventually be introduced, but not yet." He says giving me a smile. I smile back, I trust them. Silas pulls me into him, in a hug. I feel the mind link open between me and the others, gradually.

Guys? I ask.

Hey Peanut, how are you doing?

Trouble! You don't know how fucking glad I am to hear you.

Pookie! How are you healing?

Cupcake, I am going to live through you until I get out, so eat chocolate chip pancakes every meal. Ok?

Sang, sweetie, listen to North and Silas, we'll be out before you know it.

Princess, stay strong.

Miss Sorenson, keep us posted on what is happening.

I go into fits of tears at hearing them all. I can't get my mind together to answer them.

We're making calls and trying to see what we can do. North is trying to do it without getting the academy involved. Silas lets them know.

Is Sang OK?

Yes, she's just a bit overwhelmed. She misses you all. I nod into Silas' chest as he says this. I hear North come back and his voice come into the discussion.

I talked to Dr Roberts and explained the situation, he is going to help. I also called Axel. North says. I look to Silas.

"He knew that we needed help." He whispers, winking. I look up at North who looks determined.

We should have you out of there by tomorrow. I feel hope swell in my chest.

What's the plan? I ask.

You're going to stay here, while we sort it out. I'm not letting that bitch have a chance to recapture you. North replies.

I'll be with you. I reply.

No, you'll be here, waiting for us. I stand up and growl at him. I was a lot smaller than him, and less scary looking, but I wanted to show him I wasn't budging. They were my mates, and I was going to help save them.

Sorry it is so short! I only stopped it here because the next bit will be them trying to help the others to escape, and I wanted that in one long part. :) I should have another part up in a week.

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CC ;)

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