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I posted this to the wrong story lol

The original plan to spend time with Nathan, and the rest of the guys, was scuppered by the Academy on the first day. Even though I was marked by more than one of them, the Academy thought that it would be best for me to spend my time at camp away from them.

I was placed in a group with other girls who were here for the first time. It was a relief to know that I wasn't the only newcomer here, but the yearning for the others counteracted that.

The Academy had promised that I would be able to go back to the guys, but the reaction from my mates made me dubious. Like lost puppies, they looked after me longingly, and I wasn't sure whether it was just due to the mate bond or that they're as dubious as I am about being able to return.

The last couple of days have been busy, and I have been with the same group doing different activities. The first day was surprisingly easy away from the guys, even with the thought of it possibly being the hardest I surprised myself when I went back to the shared tent with the other girls. That's what I hated the most - not being able to see any of the guys at any point other than across from where I was with my group at the particular moment.

That's what I originally thought, but my ease at the guys being away from me was soon explained. They weren't really that far away from me. I was so absorbed in the first day and the new things that I was doing in hope of having the Academy accept me, that I didn't notice the familiar smell of my mates following me. The next day it was more obvious. I could see them as well as smell them, and it gave me reassurance that they weren't abandoning me one hundred percent. They weren't ready to give up on me, and it meant that I was able to see them a lot more than I originally thought I would be able to.

The only downside was Dr. Green and Mr. Blackborune weren't part of that group. They were here, and even though I had wanted to socialize with them outside of school, I wasn't getting that opportunity. I knew that they were alright with some of them marking me, but I wanted to hear their opinions from their own mouths. And the only time we would have has been taken up by something, per usual.

I would search them out more than anyone else and steal a silent conversation with them, but it was far and few between.

The first day that I had physical, face to face, contact with the guys was when they had to come and rescue me and a group of our girls. We had wandered down the wrong route and came to a dead end with the only way out up a steep rock face. I knew that Gabriel and Nathan were following, so with a quick call out with my link and the help of some of the girls at the top, they appeared and helped us all out of the pit.

"You're following me," I state.

"Trouble, trouble, trouble... your name is the reason why we follow you," Gabriel says, tapping the end of my nose. The short contact sends a warm thrill through me.

"Thank you," I tell them, wanting to say more and have a proper conversation with them, but with the girls standing around me, and the expectation of us returning to the rest of the group it didn't feel like the right time.

The guys made the girls promise to keep the secret of them following us, which made me worry that they could possibly get into trouble with the Academy, but before my worry could fester too much, I was pulled out of it by Nathan.

"See you around, Peanut," he says, a warm hand coming to my upper arm, before sliding down, his thumb playing over the bite mark on the wrist. I gasp, and Nathan leans forward, pressing his lips to mine. I didn't expect it, and before I can react it's over, and Nathan is pulling away, running back to the tree line they were hiding in as they followed along.

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