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if you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter. this chapter won't change the story line.

🎵 call out my name by the weeknd
🎵 high enough by k.flay

"MIND IF I COME IN?" you asked rather shyly, your eyes glued to your feet.

bakugo stepped aside and gestured for you to step in.

to you, it seemed impossible to tell bakugo how you really felt without him interrupting you or asking you to shut up. so you'd opted to show him instead. make sure he got it as midorya had put it.

as soon as bakugo closed the door, you pushed him against the wall and got on the tip of your toes to kiss him passionately.

bakugo was caught off guard by your sudden move. it was usually him who pinned you against the wall to get a taste of you not the other way around. he liked it.

he melted into the kiss, his hands gripping your thighs and picking you up while he drowned in your addicting smell. he made his way to his bed blindly, not wanting to break the kiss and you let him, wrapping your legs around his waist.

when he layed you down and leaned over you, you pulled away "wait, stop."

"huh?" bakugo looked at you with a confused and a tad disappointed expression. like a child whose candy had been taken away from him. but he still stopped and sat up, waiting for you to clarify expectantly.

but you didn't say a word. instead, you moved up and sat on his lap, straddling his hips with your legs on each side.

it was always bakugo who took control and made you see the stars. this time, you wanted it to be different. you wanted to show that you career for him. you wanted to care for him.

bakugo watched your movements carefully, not moving a muscle as he tried to read your mind, wanting to know what you were thinking.

your hands found their way under his black tank top, moving up to his chest slowly, tracing the outline of every muscle before moving back down. your lips left soft kisses on places you knew would make him go mad, on his jawline, right below his ear, then slowly moving down to his neck.

his hands held your hips loosely, but his grip got tighter and tighter with every small kiss and gentle touch, holding you in place as his hips occasionally bucked into yours accompanied by a quiet grunt leaving his mouth.

pleased with the reactions you got out of him, you slowly fisted the hem of his shirt to take it off while letting him take yours. enjoying the sight of his flexed abs and muscled arms for a few seconds, you finally pushed him down until his back touched the mattress. then you leaned into his ear and whispered "let me take care of you" and nibbled his lobe. he knew you weren't just talking about sex.

you expected him to protest and flip you around, but he just laid there underneath you, his hands caressing your sides and hips as they explored your soft skin, traveling up and down your body.

so you continued your wet kisses down his neck to his chest. taking your time and putting your emotions into every little peck and lick. as your mouth traveled lower on his stomach, you could feel his heart hammering faster in his chest.

bakugo was struggling to let you be in control. he was intoxicated by your smell, your lips, your touch. he wanted more. he needed more.

when you stood up to ochako a while back, he felt second hand pride and a bit turned on by how strong you were. that day, despite his decision of staying away, he wanted to take you to a nearby bathroom and just fuck you right then and there. and it took everything in him to control himself and limit it to a kiss. he was weak in your presence and he had accepted it.

his mind was filled with dirty thoughts of everything he wanted to do to you, distracting him to the point where he almost didn't realize you were lowering yourself onto his length.

he gripped your hips with a bruising force and moved his hips in sync with yours, slowly pushing into you.

you looked into his crimson eyes the whole time while resting your palms on his chest, as quiet moans left your lips from the familiar mixture of pain and pleasure.

you slowly found your rhythm, bouncing up and down on his hard length as your wet warmth squeezed him tightly. his hands guided and helped your hips move, sometimes going up to your waist while his eyes held your lustful gaze.

you leaned your head in the crook of his neck, grazing and nibbling his soft skin as you whispered in between kisses "i care about you. so much. let me". your voice was breathless yet almost demanding.

bakugo grunted "fuck" as you pushed down on him hard, fully covering his length, then repeating the movement. he couldn't take it anymore. in a blink of an eye, he flipped you around, needing to be on top.

his thrusts were hard and deep as he picked up his pace. his large hand grabbed one of your thighs and pulled it over his shoulder as he leaned into your face and cupped your cheeck with his free hand, his thumb drawing slow circles on it affectionately

your hands traveled up his arms, nails digging into his hard biceps, until they wrapped around his neck. his name left your tongue repeatedly like a chant as you got closer to your release "katsuki~ ah~"

bakugo finally whispered "only if you let me" and captured your lips. it took you a minute to realize he was referring to when you'd asked to care for him. your heart fluttered from his words as you tugged at his hair to deepen the kiss.

that night, he made sure that the sex was different from all those other meaningless times, more caring, more loving, lasting till dawn.

and he didn't have to worry about wanting all those things he shouldn't have wanted. because once you were done, without him having to ask, you burried your face in his chest and let him stroke your hair, while you talked, getting to know each other better, until you fell asleep.

and you stayed longer.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

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