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if you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter. this chapter won't change the story line. all the important stuff will be implied if necessary.

🎵don't get used to me by cameron dallas
🎵 day dreaming by jack and jack

HIS LIPS WERE LATCHED ONTO YOURS, ASSAULTING THEM REPEATEDLY, AGGRESSIVELY. both of you had made it your mission to let out your frustration and anger with every touch. your nails dipped into his skin, clawing and scratching, wanting more. his hands tugged at your hair, traveled down your sides, pulled you in. your clothes were scattered around the floor where they would stay for a while.

you pushed him against the door, his back hitting it with a loud thud, trying to take control. but in a matter of seconds, he reversed your positions once again, caging you under his body and grabbing both of your wrists with one hand. your hands were drowning in his larger ones as he pinned to the wall above your head, earning him a low whimper out of you from the harsh impact.

you tried wiggling them out, determined not to lose the fight of dominance, but bakugou's tight grip and his heavy body towering over you, made it nearly impossible.

once you stopped squirming under him, bakugou smirked victoriously and pulled your wrists even higher, forcing you to stand only on the tip of your toes as he brought a knee up to guide your legs open, letting you only barely touch the ground.

you tried pushing your knees back together, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of winning without a fight. but this only riled him up even more. bakugou loved a challenge. it only made the victory that much better.

keeping his tight grip on your wrists, his free hand moved lower and lower down the side of your body, squeezing your warm flesh occasionally before finding its way between your thighs.

a shiver ran down your spine as his fingers drew small circles on your bare skin, getting closer and closer to your entrance.

contradicting the roughness of his lips attacking yours continuously, his hand moved slowly but with purpose, finding its way to your warmth, as if it had memorized every inch of your body, yet never got tired of exploring it over and over again.

another smirk grew on his lips "already this excited, huh?" his voice husky from the testosterone rushing through his veins yet filled with amusement.

"oh please, you were hard before even touching me." you retorted immediately. he only scowled in response before shutting you up with his lips.

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now