'18.0 - THEN IT'S A DATE.

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🎵 therapy by all time low

YOU AVOIDED BAKUGOU ALL DAY THE NEXT DAY, STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT YOUR FEELINGS. once back from classes, you headed straight up to your room until kaminari spotted you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"hey cutie. where were you last night? i was looking everywhere for you." he said as you both walked over to the elevator.

you shrugged his hand off of your shoulder "just hanging out with izuku a bit. you needed me or something?"

he put his arm around your shoulder once again, not yet discouraged "just wanted to hang out."

once you stepped in the elevator, his arm slid off your shoulder to your hand. he gave it a little squeeze and looked down at his shoes "so are you free later today? say around 6:30?"

you were scrolling through your social media mindlessly with your free hand, eyes glued to the bright screen "i suppose i am."

he finally looked up "great. wanna go to the arcade with me? it will be fun!"

you hummed "sure. why not."

the doors of the elevator opened with a ding, indicating it was your floor to get off at.

as you stepped out, kaminari added "then it's a date!"

"what?!" your head snapped up to see a blushing kaminari right when the elevator doors closed. you stood there for a second dumbfounded.


you quickly texted izuku as you headed to your room.

you won't believe what just happened

don't tell me you used your quirk
to put kachan and ochako
into a sleep coma

great idea
but sadly no
denki asked me out

why wouldn't i believe this?
kaminari asks EVERY girl he sees out

and i kinda said yes

now THAT
THAT i don't believe


i thought you liked kachan

i kinda didn't realize it was a date
until after i agreed

you didn't deny that you like kachan

i mean i don't know

maybe this date will help you
figure your feelings out

i don't see how it would
but i really hope so


bakugou walked into the common area with kirishima only to see kaminari already clinging to you. you even shrugged him off but he clung right back, either not realizing or completely ignoring your discomfort.

he felt his stomach doing a flip. all he wanted to do was to stomp over there and rip that off brand pikachu off of you. but instead, he just stood there and watched the two of you get on the elevator together.

"bakubro, you okay there?" kirishima followed bakugou's gaze and in an instant he knew. "you should tell her if you like her."

"you don't know what you're saying shitty hair." he dropped himself on the couch before slouching a bit, holding his head in my hands.

kirishima sat next to him, putting a hand on his back. "bakubro, it's not manly to not be honest with your feelings."

bakugou slapped his hand away and glared at him "don't you get it? it doesn't matter. we said no strings attached. and even if she somehow changed her mind, you know better than anyone, i don't date. and i don't like anyone."

"not with all that nonsense again." kirishima sighed and rolled his eyes.

bakugou's eyes widened "did you just fucking rolled your eyes at me?" since when did all these extras grow the balls to act like this? he sometimes missed his first year when they would all cower and shiver in their shoes with just one glare.

"listen man. if you don't talk to her soon, you might regret it. just think about it." kirishima patted bakugou's back twice before standing up and leaving.

remembering how you walked away with kaminari, bakugou clutched his chest. he didn't like you. he couldn't like you. shitty hair didn't know what he was talking about.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now