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🎵 arcade by duncan laurence ft. fletcher
🎵 i don't fuck with you by big sean ft. e-40

BAKUGO WASN'T RESPONDING TO YOUR MESSAGES, but that wasn't anything new. every once in a while he would ghost you and later explain that he was busy so you didn't think much of it as you headed to the music room for your band practice. for once, everyone was already there. including ochako.

"hey cutie, how are you doing?" kaminari asked you flirtatiously. seeing him doing well and going back to his usual self made you smile.

"doing good, kami."

"omg! you guys are so cute. i totally ship you two" ochako fan girled.

of course you do ochako, you thought to yourself then looked over to see everyone looking a bit uncomfortable after her comment and bakugo scowling.

kaminari finally broke the awkward silence "nah. relationships sometimes don't work out. but if we stay friends, i can always be there for her. i'm good" he gave you a smile and squeezed your hand gently.

"that's right. an i for him" you smiled and squeezed his hand back reassuringly.

"tch" bakugo looked away as he prepared his drums.

ochako looked mad only for a second before putting her nice act facade back on "that's literally so cute!"

"let's start extras. i don't have all day" bakugo demanded angrily, already tired of being around everyone.

not having a death wish, you all took your positions and got ready. kaminari started singing:

a broken heart is all that's left
i'm still fixing all the cracks
lost a couple of pieces when
i carried it, carried it, carried it home

i've spent all of the love i saved
we were always a losing game
small-town boy in a big arcade
i got addicted to a losing game

surprisingly bakugo joined him:

oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
all i know, all i know
loving you is a losing game

you looked at bakugo a bit confused but collected yourself just in time to sing your part without breaking eye contact:

do you love me, or love me not?
peeling piecеs from my heart
and my rose-colored land is gonе
still i carried, i carried, i carry on

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now