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🎵 the side of paradise by coyote theory

YOU DROPPED YOURSELF ON YOUR BED, RELIEVED THAT KAMINARI WAS NOT MAD AT YOU ANYMORE. you looked over to the alarm clock sitting on your night stand, reading four ones. sighing out loud, you played your playlist on shuffle as you grabbed your shoujo manga. it was time to catch up with some reading.

you were deep in the story, itching to see if the boy would finally confess his feeings to the protagonist, clueless to how late it was. until you heard a few soft knocks. 1:34 am. it wasn't too late but it still made you raise a brow in confusion before getting up to open the door.

"hey, dumbass" bakugo breathed under his breath, his head hung low.

"bakugo?" you couldn't help but be a bit surprised. you didn't have any plans to write tonight so it could only mean one thing.

"is that (manga name)?" bakugo's eyes were glued to the back of your book.

"did you just recognize this manga from the graphics on the back? tell me bakugo, do you read shoujo mangas?" you teased him playfully, quite amused to find out he read romance mangas.

"shut up. i've seen mina reading that around" he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away, trying to hide his blush.

"aha. right." you laughed, definitely not buying it.

"whatever" he pushed you aside to walk in your room and took a seat at your desk.

you rolled your eyes before closing the door and plopping on your bed once again "what do you need katsuki?" your eyes stayed glued to the ceiling.

"i was bored and the other shitty extras are all fucking asleep. i knew you'd be awake with that quirk of yours."

"hmmm" you laid there silently as bakugo looked through the books on your desk.

the music in the background caught your attention.

ask me why my heart's inside my throat

a light bulb flashed above your head as you thought of the best idea ever.

i've never been in love, i've been alone

this was definitely going to piss bakugo off. the thought alone made you smirk proudly.

feel like i've been living life asleep

"what's that face you're making? as if you're not ugly enough already" bakugo asked with a disgusted face.

love so strong it makes me feel so weak

you giggled "you seem to keep wanting to sleep with this ugly face though" you stood in front of him, holding your hand out for him to take "let's dance katsuki".

are you lonely?
our fingers dancing when they meet

you grabbed his hand without waiting for a response and interlocked your fingers, tugging it lightly.

you seem so lonely

"as if i'd do something that stupid" he spat out but didn't let go of your hand.

i'll be the only dream you seek

"awww. are you embarrassed cause you don't know how to dance?" you laughed, pushing his buttons.

so if you're lonely, no need to show me

he groaned "as if! i'm an amazing dancer" with a swift move he stood up and pulled you in by the waist before leading the dance.

if you're lonely come be lonely with me

you couldn't help but grin. he was too easy.

lonely (are you lonely?)

you closed your eyes and rested your head on his chest "see, this isn't so bad". he hummed in response and let his head rest next to yours.

passion is crashing as we speak
you seem so lonely

his hand slowly moved from the side of your waist to the small of your back, pulling you into him a bit more.

you're the ground my feet won't reach

he closed the gap between you completely as your feet moved to the beat of the music slowly.

so if you're lonely, darling you're glowing
if you're lonely come be lonely with me

both of you stayed quiet. letting the music fill your ears as your bodies swayed together with bakugo occasionally twirling you around.

underneath the pale moonlight
dreaming of a circus life
carousels and ferris heights
i'll be yours if you'll be mine

you finally looked up to see bakugo's vermillion eyes burning into yours, his face relaxed.

cause i'm lonely, i'm so lonely
if you hold me, i'll be your only

he held you tighter as his head inched closer to yours, his eyes never leaving yours.

are you lonely?
our fingers dancing when they meet
you seem so lonely

you almost didn't realize your bodies had stopped moving.

i'll be the only dream you seek

you'd never been more thankful for the music, drowning your loud heartbeat.

so if you're lonely, no need to show me

his nose brushed against yours as he finally averted his half lidded eyes to your lips.

if you're lonely, come be lonely with me

in an instant, he closed the gap with his lips, leaving all the dancing to your tongues.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now