'35.0 - ARE YOU MINE?

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🎵 r u mine? by arctic monkeys

IT WAS FINALLY THE DAY OF THE PERFORMANCE. and while everyone cracked jokes every few minutes, you knew they were all a bit nervous to perform live for so many people. still, you were probably the most anxious out of all of them.

with your fingers digging into your palms, an old habit since you were a kid, you stepped out of the waiting room and headed for the vending machine to get a drink, and hopefully calm your nerves down a bit.

you put your money in and pressed e4 before bending down to pick up your drink. the cold feeling of the can against your palm was soothing the marks your nails had left.

as soon as you stood back up and turned around, your forehead was met with bakugo's defined chest. "ow" you exclaimed and stepped back but his two large hands pulled you back in and into a hug.

"you still nervous?" his voice barely above a whisper was rather soft, his warm breath fanning him over your ear before he rested his chin on your head.

you finally hugged him back, rubbing small circles with your thumbs reassuringly, mostly to reassure yourself though, as you smooshed your cheeck in his shirt "yeah, a little".

he patted your head gently "don't be. you have nothing to worry about. now shitty hair... he better not mess up those riffs or i'll kill him."

his empty threat and playful tone made you giggle a bit "what? you won't kill me? am i getting a free pass from katsuki bakugo?" you pulled away a bit to look into his red eyes, chuckling.

"no. i just know you won't mess up. you're too damn good" he smirked at you playfully but his tone was serious, proving he means it as he leaned in and gave you a sweet peck on the lips.

coming from him, it meant a lot. bakugo didn't respect just anyone and definitely didn't admit someone was good or strong too easily.

you gave him a sweet smile, appreciating his efforts to calm you down before you started walking back to the waiting room together.

you tried to distract yourself with the only other thought roaming in your brain: your relationship with bakugo. even though you both had came clean with how you felt, you still hadn't talked about labels, going out, or dating officially. there was a silent agreement to wait after the show was done and you weren't complaining.

"good, you guys are here! we're up in 5!" sero's voice brought you out of your bubble of thoughts.

"alright let's do this" kirishima said excitedly as he picked up his guitar.

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now