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🎵 dancing on my own by calum scott

(timeline: after the song ended in chapter 24)

A FEW NIGHTS AGO OCHAKO HAD DECIDED SHE WASN'T GOING TO LET WHAT HAD HAPPENED WITH DEKU REPEAT AGAIN. she wouldn't let yet another person, steal her man for a second time.

so she showed up to the band's practices, stopped by bakugo's room, and was going to be there with him till he realized he needed her. she didn't know what was going on between him and you, but she knew it would have to stop and she was going to make sure it did just that.

as she was deep in thought, she saw bakugo leave the room with his hands shoved in his pockets and head hung low. one look around the room and her suspicion was proved correct. you weren't anywhere to be seen either.

"hey guys, where did y/n and bakugo go? did your practice end this quickly?" she asked, hating that he followed you out.

"oh no, they just probably stepped out to stretch their legs" kaminari explained as he tuned his guitar.

"aren't you, like, worried?" she was set on showing everyone what she was convinced was your true nature. first, make you lose your friends. and then bakugo.

"worried?" kaminari's voice laced with confusion.

"oh, um, sorry, my bad. i thought you liked y/n." come on, she urged kaminari mentally because she knew he did like you. quite a lot actually.

"yeah i do. why would i be worried though?"

she mentally face palmed myself. she'd forgotten how dense kaminari could be sometimes. "well, a while ago i went to see bakugo and she showed up at like 2:00 am saying they wanted to work on music. and a few nights ago, i was passing her door in the hallway and well" she faked a concerned tone.

"and what?" now kirishima, sero, and mina were interested too. perfect. just as she had hoped.

"well i don't wanna make assumptions but it sounded like they were... you know" she looked down, acting ashamed.

"are you saying they slept together?" kaminari clutched his shirt on his chest, as if he was in pain. ochako almost felt bad for him. almost.

she scratched the back of her neck "well i don't know for sure" yes.

"i don't know man. bakubro is very serious about not messing up the band dynamics and what not" kirishima tried to calm kaminari down who was visibly distressed.

"well, i'm not so sure kiri. we know bakugo doesn't date but he's no stranger to casual sex. and since it's not dating, it might be his loophole to the whole 'not ruining the dynamic' argument" mina added, bringing a finger to her chin, thinking.

"well, i don't think y/n would casually sleep with someone. she doesn't seem like the type" sero chipped in as kirishima rubbed kaminari's back.

"right" kaminari's voice trailed off as images of bakugo and y/n filled his mind.

"i still think it's kinda weird" they all looked up at ochako. "i mean why so late at night? and i don't think any instrument can produce the noises i heard. why don't you check on them kaminari?" come on. stop acting dumb.

kirishima scowled and mina glared at ochako. she looked at them innocently. she knew they only wanted to protect kaminari and his feelings but that wouldn't do. it was okay though. she'd make sure they all hate her. one by one.

"i'll check on them" sero volunteered.

"no. i will go" kaminari said and headed for the door, not waiting for anyone to say anything else.

mina, sero, and kirishima looked at each other, concerned for their friend with a crush. especially kirishima. he had suspected something was going on between you and bakugo.

he had tried to stop kaminari from asking you out to avoid a heartbreak. but once you went on that date, he thought his assumptions were wrong until now that ochako made him regret not pressing bakugo for some answers earlier.

kaminari couldn't stop thinking. was bakugo the reason you didn't want to go on that date? he could feel his stomach flip as his chest tightened, aching. he had a bad feeling about this.

he took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out and froze at the sight in front of him.

you were making out. he wanted run over to you and push bakugo off of you, then electrocute the shit out of him, but he was just paralyzed in place.

"y/n?" his voice cracked as tears pricked his eyes.

you quickly pulled away and pushed bakugo back, looking at kaminari with wide eyes.

he could see tear stains on your cheeks. had bakugo forced himself onto you? no that couldn't be. you were kissing him back.

denki's gaze shifted to bakugo's frowning face "bakugo" he called out sternly, scowling at him as rage engulfed him.

"it's not what you think" you tried to explain frantically.

"what? is the break over already?" bakugo asked calmly as he shoved his fists in his pockets. as if all of this was normal. even you were taken aback by his nonchalant behavior.

the truth was that bakugo was glad kaminari saw the two of you kissing. he knew he had no right to, but he was happy kaminari would back off now because even though you weren't dating, it was hard to suppress his possessive nature.

denki looked at you one last time. he could barely believe his eyes.

"yeah. break is over" he replied dryly before turning around, trying to hide the falling tears he'd tried so hard to keep back in. "see you guys inside"  he headed for the door.

"kami, wait" you called out to him but he just kept walking. he was too upset, too angry, too hurt, to even look at you. so he ignored you and went back inside, leaving you and bakugo alone.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now