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🎵 no by tanner patrick

WHEN YOU ZOOMED OUT OF THE ROOM QUICKLY, bakugou was getting his music sheets ready to leave when he overheard the other extras.

"i'm gonna ask her out tonight" kaminari said with determination in his voice.

"you should go for it man" sero tried to be encouraging.

"i don't know man. y/n doesn't seem to be into you..." kirishima argued knowing there was something going on between you an bakugou from the way you behaved around each other.

so dunce face was gonna ask y/n out, bakugou thought to himslef. no way she would go out with him, he was sure of it. "you shouldn't bother. she will reject you" he said without looking at any of them.

"and how would you know that bakugou?"

"anyone can tell. she's out of your league, dunce face."

"and what? you think you're not?" kaminari snapped back defensively.

this idiot has a death wish. bakugou growled, small explosions popping off the palm of his hand as he tried to push his doubts and insecurities to the back of his head. i mean if i wanted to, and asked y/n out, she would say yes, right? he told himself. not that i want to, he quickly corrected in his head. yeah, dunce face is just stupid. she called him a watermoron earlier for fuck's sake. he doesn't know what he's saying. right?

bakugou felt two hands grabbing his shoulders firmly. "calm down bakubro. kaminari here has a little crush. that's all. no need for the two of you to fight."

sero had grabbed kaminari who for the first time didn't seem to cower away from bakugou. he had to be serious about y/n if he was willing to anger the blond known for his bad temper.

bakugou shrugged kirishima off his shoulders "tch. whatever. do what you want, like i care. just don't fucking mess up the band's dynamic" he said as he shoved one hand in his pocket harshly and grabbed his music sheets with the other before stomping out of the room.

later that night, bakugou couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. his mind kept wandering off to kaminari asking y/n out on a date. would she say yes? why would he even care? she can go out with whoever she wants to.

bakugou walked back and forth along his room. if she dated, he couldn't sleep with her anymore. but she felt so fucking amazing. maybe it's for the best though. recently she'd been saying things that made bakugou's chest feel weird. like that time on the beach when she called him a real hero.

reminiscing over the memory of that day and her calling him an onion, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. it still didn't calm his nerves down though.

knock. knock.

his heart sank in his chest. he didn't even realize how much he'd been looking forward to seeing her. he smirked and headed to his door.

as soon as he opened it, the smirk turned into a frown in an instant. "what the fuck are you doing here?"

"hey, bakugou. mind if i come in? i needed to talk to you about something." ochako asked with a sweet smile.

"just say what you want here." bakugou ordered angrily as he put one hand on the doorframe, blocking the way effectively.

"oh, come on katsuki~" she cooed and walked in under his arm.

bakugou rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him. "well, fucking get to it. i have shit to do."

"so impatient." she stepped closer to him. "i was wondering if you're in the mood~" she said flirtatiously as she gave him the look. "are you in the mood?"

she slowly reached out to put her hands flat on his chest. bakugou's scowl got deeper and he grabbed her wrists and pushed her back a bit more forcefully than he meant. "don't fucking touch me." he spat through his teeth.

who the hell does she think she is? "it's been what? a year? and you just walk into my room and ask if i'm in the mood? are you fucking serious right now? what's gotten into you?" bakugou asked her angrily.

she sighed and dropped some of the act. "it's just" she hesitated before continuing "i keep seeing deku and todoroki all over each other in the common area and it makes me feel so" she hesitated to find the right word "so lonely."

"and what the fuck does that have to do with me?"

"i was hoping you could help me feel less... lonely."

"nah. i'm good. get the fuck out." how dare she? after everything she's done...

"oh, come on katsuki~" ochako looked up with lidded eyes.

"it's bakugou to you." he corrected her.

"it will help you too. let out some of the frustration. it's not like you have anybody."

to that, bakugou looked away. his mind instantly went back to y/n.

"oh. my. god. you do have someone, don't you? i know that look."

"what the hell are you saying? and you don't know shit!" he was getting angrier by the second.

"you totally have someone! who is it? do i know them? are you two dating?"

"it's none of your god damn business."

"so you admit there is someone."

"that's not what i said. shut the fuck up, round face. and get the fuck out."

"hmm sure bakugou. whatever you say." she said dryly but still didn't leave. instead, took a seat behind bakugou's desk.

"whatever dumbass. you're wasting my time. i'm gonna take a shower and you better fucking be gone when i'm back." he stomped into his bathroom and locked the door behind him.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now