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🎵 jazz bar drunk by wulf morpheus

THE NEXT DAY, YOU HAD TO MISS YOUR CLASSES. because 'big surprise', bakugo was right and you'd come down with a cold. your body ached all over as you barely held your heavy eyelids open to text izuku and let him know so he could tell aizawa you'd be absent.

you napped for the most of the day, too weak to do anything. after grabbing some water from your night stand, you were ready to doze off again but three harsh knocks forced your eyelids to snap open.

you hadn't realized everyone was already back. did i really sleep all day? you reluctantly left your warm bed and opened the door only to slam it close right away.

"y/n. you will open this door if you know what's good for you" bakugo's angry voice yelled from the other side.


"why the hell not?"

"because you're gonna kill me"

"damn right. now open up before i explode your door into pieces"

you personally preferred to die than get in trouble with aizawa so you quickly opened the door and shut your eyes closed ready for an explosion to hit you with full force.

what you weren't ready for was two muscular arms wrapping around you and pulling you in. "you fucking idiot" bakugo almost whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours with his eyes closed.

you felt a blush crawl up your neck to the tip of your ears. why was he acting like this? he opened his eyes and pulled away "at least you don't have a fever" he sighed out but once he saw your face continued "you look flushed. you should probably measure it too just to be sure".

you just stood there in shock. what the actual hell?

"what are you staring at?" he asked uninterestedly. "you know what? it doesn't fucking matter. i'm leaving" and with that he turned around and left.

you stood there for a good two minutes, speechless. "what the hell was that?" you exhaled, confused by his actions. one minute it seemed like he cared, and the next he didn't. it was almost as if he was in conflict with himself.


you went back to bed and played your favorite lofi playlist, a collection of slowed down and chill old songs that never failed to relax you:

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now