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🎵 just the way you are by bruno mars

KIRISHIMA GREETED YOU WITH HIS TOOTHY BRIGHT SMILE. you tried to act normal, as if you and bakugou weren't just all over each other less than a minute ago. but the feeling of your skirt occasionally brushing up against your bare skin and bakugou's stupid smirk was making it annoyingly hard.

kaminari put an arm around your shoulder and you just knew he was gonna say something stupid. "hey y/n, are you a guitar player?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows with the best flirtatious look he could muster.

you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose "kami you know i am. i have played-"

he cut you off "cause you've just plucked my heart strings" he finished yet another cheesy pickup line as he threw you a finger gun, his other arm bringing you a bit closer by the shoulder.

you let out a heavy sigh "kami..." you exhaled disappointedly "just, ...no" you chuckled a bit.

"that was so fucking awful." bakugou huffed bitterly.

"well at least i tried. i don't see you doing any better." kaminari exclaimed.

the mischievous smile was back on bakugou's lips yet again as he looked at you "oh, i'm doing plent-"

"ALRIGHT, LET'SGOBACKTOPRACTICE" you vomited the words as quickly as you could, quite flustered by where bakugou was going with his sentence.

kirishima and sero examined you and bakugou before exchanging a look between themselves. sero shrugged and they all took their positions to practice.

kaminari insisted on playing something for you and swore he just wanted your opinion since it was the first song he wrote.

so you took a seat in the middle of the room as he started:

oh, her eyes, her eyes
make the stars look like they're not shinin'
her hair, her hair
falls perfectly without her trying
she's so beautiful and i tell her everyday
yeah, i know, i know
when i compliment her she won't believe me
and it's so, it's so
sad to think that she don't see what i see




his eyes did not leave yours even for a second as he sang with a small smile. you could even see a tint of pink on his cheeks. you were almost completely sure he wrote the song for jirou. the thought of him finally getting the courage to ask her out made you smile to yourself.

bakugou seemed to be extra grumpy but he reluctantly played the drums with sero and kirishima on their respective instruments.

as soon as he was done, you ran up and hugged kaminari. "that was really good. especially for your first song kami!"

kaminari's face was almost the same color as kirishima's hair as he stuttered a thanks out.

once you let go and he collected himself he went back to his antics. "hey y/n. you know, if you were a veggie, you'd be a cutecumber!" he said with a wink and once again finger guns pointed at you.

you laughed at yet another stupid pick up line before deciding to tease him "oh yeah?" you got closer to his face before continuing "well if you were a fruit" you got closer to his ear "you'd be a" you paused for dramatics "a watermoron" you said quite loudly as you struggled to hold your laughs in. kirishima and sero doubled over in laughter too.

kaminari's face fell "aw, come on, man" he complained.

bakugou seemed suspiciously quiet as he watched the whole thing.

later, you continued your normal band practice for another two hours, but as soon as you were done, you dashed out of the room. not having an underwear under a skirt in public made you tremendously uncomfortable. you headed to your room to shower and get dressed properly.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now