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🎵 idgaf by dua lipa
🎵 new rules by dua lipa

IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS SINCE YOU AND BAKUGOU AGREED TO BE BAND MATES WITH BENEFITS. most of the nights you met up to write music together would end with bakugou fucking you into the mattress. and there was not a single part of you that regretted it.

you turned around on bakugou's bed to face him. he was wearing that calm expression, your favorite one, that he wore when sleeping. he looked so at peace. no sign or trace of the angry lines on his forehead and between his brows.

you slowly lifted his arm up, careful not to wake him, and snuck out from under it to get dressed. you two had made a deal to always leave before others in the building woke up since none of you wanted to get bombarded by intrusive questions.

you held your breath and closed the door behind you, as quietly as you possibly could. exhaling slowly, you turned around to be met with todoroki leaving midoriya's room.

shit, you thought.

"good morning, y/n." shoto said in a hushed whisper before glancing at katsuki's door and then back at you. there was a small raise in his eyebrows, seemingly a bit surprised. thankfully he wasn't one to pry into others' business so he didn't say anything about it.

"hi, shoto." you replied with a bashful smile, cheeks flushed from getting caught during your walk of shame.

"you never fail to surprise me." he nodded at bakugou's door. "anyways. i gotta go get ready for training. but i'll see you around." todoroki said quietly with a knowing smile, before giving you a quick wave and walking away.

yeah, he wasn't one to pry. but he would make sure you knew he knew. you let out a loud sigh and rushed to your dorm, ready to bury your face and embarrassment in a pillow.


it didn't take you long to get ready for your morning jog. with eyes glued to your phone screen and fingers dancing around the screen trying to decide on a good playlist, you stepped out of the common area.


you looked up, shocked to see the familiar dark brown unruly hair and big brown eyes staring at you. yo shindo.

"shindo." your voice cracked and came out smaller than you intended it to. you stared back at him with wide eyes. "what are you doing here?" this time you asked louder and clearer.

"i heard from yukiko you transferred to ua and i just had to talk to you y/n".

"l/n. it's l/n to you now."

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now