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🎵 moonlight sonata by beethoven

IT WAS ANOTHER QUIET NIGHT AT THE DORMS. as per usual, you used your quirk on yourself to stay up and indulge in your hobbies. after all, with your strict training schedule and heavy coursework, this was your only free time and you weren't gonna waste it on sleeping.

you never left the common area after coming to get some snacks. so with your music sheets open on your lap and a hot cheeto between your teeth, you hummed to yourself and let your fingers press on imaginary ivories of a piano, playing each bar perfectly . you could hear every note in your head clearly as your hands danced around the paper.

a shuffling noise from the kitchen area made you stop and turn around, wanting to spot the source of the disturbance. a figure in a black tank top and sweatpants moved around in the shadows a bit longer, opening and closing a few cabinets, before finally turning around and boring two crimson eyes into your e/c ones.

katsuki bakugou.

your eyebrows shot up in surprise considering it must have been pretty late, at least 2:30 am, and bakugou normally slept at 8:30 pm sharp. you transferred to ua high beginning of the third year, so you only met him three months ago; however, his reputation exceeded him.

your classmates had filled you in on many not-so-pleasant stories about the class hot head. if they said a third year bakugou was calm, you could only imagine how explosive his nature used to be, quite fitting for his explosion quirk.

you weren't friends with bakugou. though you weren't necessarily on bad terms with him either. you two would sometimes bicker and argue, but otherwise you barely even interacted with each other outside of projects or training.

while you were looking in his direction like a deer caught in headlights, he broke the silence. "what the hell are you doing here at 3 am?" his voice sounded deeper than usual since he was trying to keep it down and he had a rather disgusted look on his face, nose scrunched up and brows furrowed.

you finally pulled the hot cheeto in your mouth and took your time chewing it before responding. "i could ask you the same thing. don't you sleep at like 6 or something?"

"tch. obviously i'm here to get a snack." he said with a matter-of-factly tone as he shook the bag of chips you just noticed close to his head to gestured: duh.

you couldn't help but roll your eyes and scoff. "i only sleep about 2 hours every night." you replied before looking back down at the music sheet on your lap.

"how the hell do you keep up with the classes and training with only 2 hours? that sounds unhealthy."

you looked back at him again to find him walking out of the kitchen towards the couch you were sitting on before plumping himself next to you, though leaving a generous distance in between.

"be careful. you almost sound concerned." you shot back with a glint of amusement in your eyes.

"just shut up and answer the damn questions." his voice rose a bit, evidently getting more worked up by the minute.

you chuckled lightly. "you want me to shut up or answer the question? make up your mind, bakugou."

and he snapped. "JUST ANSW-" you leaped forward, closing the space between you to slap one hand over his mouth and quiet him quickly.

"shhhh. are you tryna get caught by aizawa?" he scowled back at you before slapping your hand away.

"just answer the damn question." his voice was now hushed and quiet again with a small pout on his lips that only made you think: cute.

"fine. i didn't think you were serious. obviously, my quirk." you used the same matter-of-factly tone he used earlier.

"what's your quirk again? some energy shit?" he casually open his chips and ignored your sarcasm, his curiosity outweighing his annoyance.

your eyes widened from his question. "are you kidding me? we've been classmates for 3 months now!"

"so? i don't remember every extra's quirk." he said without even looking up and just he continued to eat.

you let out low growl, your hands gripping the paper a bit tighter. he was getting under your skin and he knew it.

"right. cause you're the strongest, everyone else is beneath you, and therefore, they are a bunch of extras. right?" you asked a bit harshly, obviously annoyed by the nickname.

"exactly. you get it. maybe you're not as dumb as the other extras." he finally looked up and flashed you one of his famous sexy half smirks.

the audacity he had to look down on you of people made you oversee how attractive he might have looked right then and a need to put him in his place bubbled under your skin. so you gave him a sweet smile that made his smirk falter a bit before using your quirk on him.

a small siren melody escaped through your lips and seconds later bakugou passed out on the couch with the bag of chips resting in his lap.

no one can beat me. i'm the strongest. you mocked him again in your head before leaving for your room. you did make sure to put him to sleep only for a few hours so he wouldn't miss class. "i'm seriously too nice to that asshole." you muttered under your breath.

finally in your room, once again you put the music sheet on your lap and moved your fingers to the rhythm of the notes and hummed.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now