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| CHAPTER THIRTEEN |WARNINGlemonif you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter

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if you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter. this chapter won't change the story line. all the important stuff will be implied if necessary.

🎵 wrong by zayn ft. kehlani

HIS LARGE HANDS PICKED YOU UP AND PLACED YOU ON THE PIANO'S KEYS, creating a harsh discordant sound right when his lips connected to your neck once again. his hands were running up your sides before slowly finding their way down to your hips, squeezing and gripping them lightly.

you slowly brought your legs up and locked them around his waist, pulling him a bit closer, desperate to close every inch of gap between you.

a small moan escaped your lips when he found your sweet spot, nibbling and marking it. "ah~... bakugou~" one of your hands thumped onto the keys next to you, trying to balance yourself on the instrument, creating another cacophonous sound while your other one tugged at his ash locks, earning you a grunt.

his hands gripped your thighs tightly as he picked you up once again only to put you back down on the back of the black grand piano. red eyes filled with desire and lust bore into your soul as his fingers fumbled with buttons of your ua uniform, rushing to get rid of the unnecessary fabric hiding your soft skin.

in a matter of seconds, he was pushing into you, making it almost impossible for you to keep your moans quiet, as if it was his mission to draw out every sound you could make. you gave up on trying to sit up, the pleasure too immense to take in so you laid down on the piano.

bakugou moved one of his large calloused hands to the small of your back before snapping into you with another hard sharp thrust, making you arch your back as a result. as soon as your back left the cold black laminated wood, his hand snaked around you and gripped your opposite shoulder.

with his new formed grip, he pushed you down onto him with every movement making you meet him halfway as he bent down to mark your chest.

you were sure his fingertips were electric, sparking a trail of goosebumps in their wake. he unashamedly marked your chest though he knew your not his. with a popping sound he pulled back to admire the work of art he created over your breasts. "you're so goddamn beautiful." he mumbled out.

the canvas of your body beautifully marked by him only turned him on more. with new vigor, his pace got impossibly faster. you could feel the familiar knot in your stomach, itching for a release. with eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out, your cries of pleasure echoed in the room.

your mind was barely keeping up with everything he was doing to you. but then again, that happened every time you were together.

the switches in your brain were all clicked off by the hands of desire, too intoxicated to worry about someone walking in. instead, the thrill of it combined with his length hitting the right spot every single time, pushed you over the edge.

your orgasm washed over you in waves as your body shook underneath him before going limp, still clinging to his neck.

when you tightened around him, bakugou could feel your wet warmth even more. "fuck, fuck! why. do. you. have. to. drive. me. crazy." bakugou huffed through gritted teeth with each thrust. his movements became sloppier and irregular, losing their rhythm, as he chased his own release.

he pulled out just in time, as you stayed laid down on the piano, trying to catch your breath, feeling the warm and sticky liquid on your stomach.

katsuki helped you clean up. a layer of sweat glistening both of your skins.

you felt a sting of pain in your back from the uncomfortable position, and soreness in your legs, making them feel like jelly under you, as he helped you down.

you quickly started getting dressed, bending down to pick up your underwear, but another set of hands beat you to it. bakugou shoved your underwear in his pocket with a mischievous smirk as your mouth hung open in surprise.

before you could collect yourself to protest, the door of the music room opened, hitting the wall next to it with a bang as your loud band mates stepped in one by one.

"bakubro! y/n! hey guys!"


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

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