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if you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter. this chapter won't change the story line.

🎵 sex (catching feelings) by eden

BAKUGO PICKED YOU UP WITHOUT BREAKING THE KISS AS HE WALKED OVER TO YOUR BED. as soon as he layed you down, his large hands took their time to undress you slowly, gently. his kisses passionate but softer, taking his time.

you watched with half lidded eyes as he opened every button excruciatingly slowly, every clothing item dragged against bare skin lazily.

he was quieter than usual. and when he did talk, it was only to whisper sweet nothings into your ear.

his movements were different too. his hips still snapped hard and hit you just where you wanted him inside. but there was no doubt that his movements were slower.

end of each thrust was the beginning of the next in a fluid motion instead of sharp fast pumps.

you searched his eyes, hoping to figure out what had changed. not because you didn't like this. no, quite the opposite. you loved how it felt like he cared. like you were more than fuck buddies. like you mattered and held a special place in his life. like there was no fucking for the night. almost like... he was making love to you.

and that concerned you. because bakugo did not make love. he fucked and left when he was done.

your heart constricted, your feelings almost too much to handle. tears pricked your eyes so you snapped them closed and threw your head back, baring your neck for him.

his mouth closed around your throat immediately, his tongue flicking and licking with the rhythm of his hips.

his hand moved up to yours above your head. then he was interlocking his fingers in yours, his other hand guided your free one, bringing it down low between you.

"touch yourself." he breathed under your ear. then he leaned lower on top of you until his chest touched yours.

you could feel his fast and erratic heartbeat against your own. "open your eyes, y/n. i want you to keep your eyes on me when i make you scream."

your breath hitched in your throat when you opened your eyes only to find him already staring at you.

his mouth was as dirty as always but this definitely felt different. you never thought eye contact could make you come undone but as your fingers worked your bundle of nerves and he pushed into you in that delicious rhythm you almost lost it.

your skin tingled under his touch with every carress. your wet walls squeezed him tight with every one of his thrusts as you tried to hold on because you didn't want this, whatever it was, to end.

and you just knew when he was done, the spell was going to break and he would leave, you would wake up in your cold bed in the morning and run what if scenarios in your head.

you closed your eyes to push your intrusive thoughts out but bakugou snapped his hips into you extra hard, forcing your eyes open right as he growled "eyes on me,"

"please, i can't. i'm can't hold it back with you looking at me like that." the feeling of his hard length pushing into you was driving so mad you wanted to scream.

"then come for me, y/n." his movements turned more deliberate but he kept up his slower fluid pace, as if he was trying to savor every last minute of this beautiful spell just as much as you wanted to, every touch, every small noise that left your lips, every second of being inside of you, he wished he could make it all last longer.

but he was too goddamn close. his grip on your hand and waist tightened as he pushed into you a tad harder.

"karsuki~" the tears you were holding back escaped your eyes as it all became too much to handle.

hearing his name moaned out by you like that made him want to lose it all right then and there. he groaned and pushed into you harder.

his hand on your waist move up to your face and caught them. then stayed there and caressed your cheek, his own eyes almost glossy.

his hips pushed into you once more, low grunts escaping through his teeth as he struggled to keep going without losing it.

eyes focused on him, your body shook, toes curling in the mattress as your insides broke out in fireworks and he dropped his head on your chest, finishing at the same time.

he left small kisses on your neck up to your cheek and tasted the salt of your tears there. his touch wasn't territorial or possessive, but more caring, almost kind.

your chest moved up and down heavily, covered in a thin layer of sweat. you peered at bakugo next to you. his brows were drawn as his soft red eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, in thought.

you thought quietly about what had changed and mourned the spell that you knew was now broken.

then silently watched him leave without a word before you hugged your pillow and curled into yourself.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

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