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🎵 just give me a reason by p!nk ft. nate ruess

YOU GOT TO THE MUSIC ROOM 5 MINUTES EARLIER THAN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO. you looked around the room trying to find something to help you kill time until the black grand piano caught your eye. it felt like the black and white ivories were begging to be played and who were you to deny them?

using a small towel, you dusted the keys off before taking a seat behind the instrument. you pushed one white key down experimentally. re (D). the string attached to the key vibrated as the sound resonated through the whole instrument. good. it wasn't out of tune.

with one deep breath, you started playing again. one chord. then another. and another. until your lips moved on their own:

right from the start
you were a thief, you stole my heart
and i, your willing victim
i let you see the parts of me
that weren't all that pretty
and with every touch you fixed them

you saw the door open and bakusquad slowly walked in but you didn't stop singing one your favorite songs that right now, just felt a bit too relatable.

you gave them a quick smile as they waved at you quietly and continued singing with your eyes closed, letting all those familiar emotions run through your body, all the way to the tip of each finger pushing down a key.

the sound of drums joining the piano harmoniously prompted you to open your eyes and look over your shoulder. bakugou was staring at you while playing skillfully, with kirishima, kaminari, and sero preparing their instruments as well.

kaminari joined you in a duet:

k: i'm sorry i don't understand
k: where all of this is coming from
k: i thought that we were fine
y/n: oh we had everything

and just like that, you sang and played with them so naturally that no one could have suspected it's your first time playing as a band. in sync and harmonious.

once the song was over, mina and the boys - except bakugou - cheered, but you could see a ghost of a smile on bakugou's lips too.

"i love that song too! this is a sign, y/n. now you HAVE to join us. tell me you're in?" kaminari's last sentence came out as more of a question than a demand.

you looked over at bakugou one last time since he was the only one initially opposed to you joining. he seemed to have a 'do whatever you want' expression on his face so you turned back to the rest of the group and gave them a thumbs up "i'm in!"

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now