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🎵 boys by beach bunny

SHOTO AND IZUKU INVITED YOU TO TRAIN WITH THEM. you normally didn't like to third wheel but this was a great opportunity for you to get stronger while getting a few things off you chest as well.

when you arrived at the gym, they were there already, stretching. "hey, hey, hey" you imitated your favorite anime character and skipped over to them cheerfully.

izuku laughed "you've been watching too much haikyu n/n."

"what's haikyuu?" shoto asked, his face expressionless.

you giggled and started stretching "just some volleyball anime zuzu and i love."

"then i will watch it as well. it must be great if izuku likes it" shoto put a hand on izuku's head gently.

"it's amazing sho. let's watch it together later" izuku suggested excitedly.

"and this is why i don't like to third wheel. your cuteness reminds me of my utterly sad and single life" you sighed.

"sad? i don't know. you didn't sound too sad in bakugo's room" shoto said seriously as he tapped his chin, thinking with drawn brows.

you knew his room was in front of bakugo's but you thought you were being quiet? did that mean kirishima heard you next door, too?

"oh, you didn't tell kachan you like him yet?" izuku ignored shoto's comment.

shoto's face scrunched up and looked at you like there was something wrong with you "you like bakugo? why?" izuku elbowed him and gave you an apologetic smile. "ow. did i say something wrong?" shoto looked between his boyfriend and you, searching for an answer.

you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "i don't know why i like that angry gremlin either, shoto. and to answer your question zuzu, i tried, okay?" you looked down at your hands, a bit defeated.

"well what did he say?" izuku asked as he stood up and got ready for some weight lifting.

shoto stood up as well "from your tone, i'm guessing you didn't tell him at all."

"well he cut me off and asked me to shut up" they looked at you in silence. "i... don't think he feels the same."

"this doesn't make sense. then why would he get so jealous?" shoto looked at midoriya who gave him a shrug in response.

"jealous? he doesn't get jealous..." you trailed off, trying to remember an instance, or any signs, of bakugo ever being jealous.

shoto broke your train of thought "when you and izuku were dancing in the rain, he was complaining to me about how izuku was holding you 'too close' while his eyes almost drilled a hole into him. and then when i tried to dry you, per his request, he shoved me away half way through saying 'that's enough touching her'. and we're gay and in a relationship. i can only imagine what he does when single guys touch you" his tone was serious but you could see a small smile tugging at his lips at the end.

izuku laughed at bakugo's unreasonable jealousy of the couple and you couldn't help but join in. then you remembered all the times kaminari flirted with you during band practice and how bakugo had always complained about getting back to practice or growled as a result of it.

"hmmm. let's say bakugo does get jealous. that doesn't mean he likes me still" you thought out loud, tapping your chin.

"i don't see him being jealous of anyone else. so at the very least, he cares about you" shoto reasoned.

"to be honest n/n, kachan is probably scared of liking you and worried about you liking him back. after all ochako did a number on him even though he never openly admits it, but i remember what he went through after he found out she was only using him to make me jealous. if he distances himself again it could be a sign but then again there's also..." izuku rambled on.

"zuzu slow down, you're doing it again. that makes no sense!" you shook izuku by his shoulders to stop him.

"hah. sorry n/n. i'll let you figure out the dilemma that is kachan and let him explain everything once he's ready. for now, the best thing you can do is to let him know you like him" izuku explained.

"hmm. i'm not so sure. she might scare him away again" shoto chimmed in.

"well. he did ask me to shut up, but then kissed me. and the last time we slept together, he was strangely affectionate" you remembered his slow movements and quiet demeanor.

"if he kissed you, you have nothing to worry about. worst case scenario, you'll get a good make out session out of your confession" shoto's serious tone made you chuckle and look down in embarrassment.

"then make sure he understands n/n. and if he doesn't listen, make him, you know?" izuku added.

"i mean... i guess doesn't hurt to try" you exhaled.

"alright. now that that's settled, let's spar" shoto suggested.

"alright" izuku agreed with determined eyes.

"bring it on, you two."


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now