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🎵 do re mi by blackbear

YOU WERE ABLE TO MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS. it didn't take too long to convince aizawa to let you use the gym and training grounds in your dorm building from 3 am instead of 5, which was the regular time of use. he was more than happy to oblige if it meant you'd leave him alone to nap.

so here you were, at 3:47 am, training hard. you started with your stretches and cardio. 28...29...30... as you were about to finish up your push ups, you noticed a pair of sneakers in front of you. with one last push of your arms, you got up to find bakugou stretching and staring you down. he had a lot to say about your form and the number of push up you did, but decided against it and held his tongue.

you stared back at him for a second or two, not one bit intimidated by his rather intense gaze or taller figure. your eyes soon wandered lower to his arms as he continued warming up in silence. one hand was stretching the other across his well built chest with his muscles contracting and relaxing with every pull and release.

"take a picture it lasts longer." his smug voice pulled you out of your daze and your eyes quickly shot up to his face, landing on his famous half smirk.

"i would have, but i forgot my phone in my room." you replied teasingly, a small smirk stretching on your lips as well.

you could see a glint of amusement in his eyes just for a second, as if he wasn't expecting that response from you. "use my phone, i'll send it to you later." he winked and held his phone out playfully.

"oh, shut up" you rolled your eyes and slapped his arm away before walking away to start doing your weights, but he called out to you again.

"since you're here, spar with me."

you stopped in your tracks and turned around on your heel. tapping your chin, you examined him carefully, wanting to see how serious he was. you did need to improve your close combat skills and he was one of the best ones in class or maybe even in the whole school.

after a few seconds of silence he quirked an eyebrow "well? i don't got all day."

"alright. if you insist on getting your ass kicked, i'm not gonna stop you. no quirks, first to immobilize or throw the other out of bounds, wins."

bakugou scoffed and took a fighting stance "get ready to lose, extra." there was a sadistic smile on his lips and a murderous look in his eyes resembling a carnivore ready to hunt his prey.

you brought your hands up as well, ready to attack, but he was the first to lunge forward with his fist coming straight for your face. you quickly tried to block but in the last second, he brought his knee up and kicked you in the stomach instead.

of course the punch was a feign. how could you have not seen through it. "mother fu-, ugh, that fucking hurt." you hissed out in pain.

"i'm not holding back and you better not either, shitty songwriter." and he didn't. he immediately went for another punch, but this time you grabbed his fist with one hand and his shoulder with the other before flinging him over your shoulder.

he fell down on his back with a loud thud while bringing you down with him. you straddled his hips and pinned his arms down. "seems like i do win after all." you chirped, mildly proud of yourself.

"as if, dumbass." bakugou growled lowly and in an instant, he twisted his upper body, taking advantage of his bigger size, to flip you around, reversing your positions in the process.

he held both of your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head. they were drowning in his larger rougher hand. with his free one, he grabbed your chin and tilted it upward, forcing you to look up at him. "don't let your guard down until the fight is over."

his face was way too close and his gaze was as intense as ever. you tried to kick him off of you with your knees, but it only made his body inch forward, his face getting even closer to yours. with his lips hovering over yours, he shifted his legs and immobilized yours to stop their pitiful attempt.

he let out another rough and annoyed growl until you stopped moving underneath him. without your squirming and hitting distracting him, he suddenly realized how close you were to him and immediately a tint of pink covered his cheeks.

the air felt heavier by the minute and your heart was drumming loudly in your chest. so loud that you were worried he could hear it from where he was, an inch or two away.

finally not able to bear the tension anymore, you squeezed your eyes shut and puffed out a rather frustrated breath "ugh fine. you win this one."

"no shit. of course i win." he gave you satisfied smile but didn't move an inch.

you could feel his hot short breaths fanning over your face with every rise and fall of his chest. it was very distracting but you eventually cleared your throat and collected yourself. "well, do you mind?" your tone was laced with sass. you wriggled your wrists in his hold until he finally let go of them and stood back up.

a small shiver ran down your spine from the sudden lack of warmth his closeness was providing. "and i'm not a shitty song writer." you argued once you remembered the nickname he had used during the fight.

"everything you sing and write is sappy."

"it's not sappy. it's just emotional since i got out of a relationship right when i transferred here. about three months ago."

"what? he couldn't handle long distance or something?"

"no. we just had different interests. i was interested in becoming a hero and building a future with him while he was interested in hooking up with a different girl every night and getting high all the time." you explained nonchalantly before taking a sip of your water.

bakugou was quiet and bakugou is never quiet. you looked at him, trying the decipher his sudden change in demeanor, but his eyes were hooded, looking down to the floor. without another word, he grabbed his water bottle and started walking out. as he was passing you he tilted his head to the side and said "well he didn't fucking deserve you then."

your eyes widened, quite surprised by his reaction. you were expecting a sarcastic or mocking remark not a pep talk. you turned around to say something but he had already left.

you looked down to your watch and as soon as you saw the time reading 6 am, you shrieked "shit!" and ran back to your room. how long did you exactly spar for? you quickly got ready for class, hoping not to get scolded by your exhausted homeroom teacher. all the while, bakugou's words kept repeating in your head like a broken record.

yeah, you're right.
he didn't fucking deserve me.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now