'7.0 - WE GOT A GIG.

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🎵 coffee (f***ing) by miguel ft. wale

THE LIGHT WAS POURING INTO YOUR ROOM THROUGH THE SPACE BETWEEN THE BLINDS. memories of last night rushed into your head, heating up your cheeks. you were still naked under the sheets but there was no sign of bakugou. he must have left your dorm before anyone woke up.

you noticed he had cleaned you up before leaving. he was at least a gentleman. you went straight for the shower before getting ready to head to the music room. you did your best to avoid the girls. it would have been really awkward if they had heard you last night despite your attempts to keep it quiet.

as soon as you entered the music room, you were met with katsuki behind the drums, writing something down. you weren't expecting to see him again this early. you wanted to talk about what happened between you two, but you didn't want him to think you couldn't have casual sex.

"good morning, bakugou" you said casually and made your way over to the piano.

"what the hell are you doing here? band meeting is in an hour." he asked with a quirked brow.

"i could ask you the same thing."

"tch" was all he said before going back to writing in his notebook again.

you were hesitant, but finally decided to bring it up. "so when did you leave this morning?" you asked without looking at him. that was casual, right?

he looked at you quizzically. "don't worry. no one saw me".

he saw right through your question. "hmm. good." you focused back to making changes to your portion of the song while katsuki did the same with his, quietly.

soon enough, all the members showed up. kaminari sat down next to you by the piano and right away placed his hand on the small of your back, moving it up and down slowly "you doing okay today, y/n?"

"yeap. how about you kami?" you gave him a quick smile.

he blushed a little from the nickname you gave him but quickly recovered "for some reason i was feeling a bit off today. but when you came along, you definitely turned me on." he winked and gave you you flirtatious smile.

you closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. even a simple how are you was a pick up line opportunity for him. "kami, i-"

"oi! off brand pikachu. get your ass here so we can start the practice." bakugou interrupted you, a bit more pissy than he normally was.

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now