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🎵 don't speak by glee cast

BAND PRACTICE WAS CANCELED FOR THE FOURTH TIME TTHAT DAY. you had been trying to reach out to kaminari but he ignored all your messages after reading them, rejected your calls, and walked the other way as soon as he saw you, basically avoiding you at all cost.

you weren't sure what else to do. even though you didn't do anything wrong, you couldn't help but feel guilty. so you were doing the next best thing: giving him space until he was ready to talk.

in desperate need of some peace and a bit of fresh air, you headed to the rooftop once again. you hadn't seen anyone other than izuku and up there on the rooftop you were almost guaranteed to get some alone time, considering izuku was spending the day with shoto.

you went straight for the end of the ledge where it connected with the wall, dangling one leg over it to swing in the air as you stretched the other one in front of you, leaning your back on the wall for support.

your favorite playlist was blasting through your headphones as you closed your eyes and rested your head on the wall, letting the breeze flow through your hair as you took a deep breath of its freshness, your leg dangling back and forth childishly to the beat of the music.

your heart almost jumped out of your chest when someone grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around.

a yelp scaped your lips and you were about to kick them in the shin until your eyes focused on the pink skinned girl with two horns coming out of her head.

"oh my god, mina. you scared the shit out of me" you let your headphones fall around your neck as you got out of mina's tight grip.

she laughed in response "hey, not my fault. i called out your name multiple times but you were completely zoned out."

without waiting for you to respond she continued "i've been meaning to talk to you. do you and ochako have some sort of problem?" she then proceeded to explain everything uraraka had said about you and how she had pushed denki to check on you and bakugo, almost on purpose.

the familiar feeling of rage running through your body was back in an instant. you bet anyone could almost see the smoke coming out of your ears. you had to confront her soon. but for now, you were more worried about denki.

you took a deep breath, "what about denki? i can't get him to talk to me" you looked down in defeat, your shoulders feeling heavy from the unexplainable guilt.

mina hummed in response before grabbing your arm "i'm tired of seeing you two sulking. let's go. we're fixing this right now".

she dragged you down the stairs and through the hallways, only stopping at kaminari's room to bang on it hard "open up denki. i know you're in there".

an exhausted looking kaminari opened the door, visible bags courtesy of his restless nights decorating his eyes. he gave you a sad smile before looking at mina "what do you need, mina?"

"move!" mina shoved him to the side and walked both of you in, dropping on the bed and sitting you down next to her. "this" she pointed her finger between you and kaminari "will be fixed right now. talk" she commanded before standing up and leaving the room.

kaminari stood by his door, head hung low. you decided to be the first to break the deafening silence surrounding you "kami" your voice was soft and apologetic "i didn't mean to hurt you in any way. i didn't mean for you to see... i... it wasn't..." you trailed off. he was still staring at his carpet quietly.

so you continued "it's just i was hurt, cause of my ex, i was sad and he was there, and i don't know how it happened, it's just-" streams of excuses were leaving your mouth quicker and quicker, trying to salvage the friendship you had with the boy in front of you. you stopped when he finally spoke.

"stop, y/n. you have nothing to explain. you didn't do anything wrong" he ran his hand through his hair, letting it drop and frame his face as he let go. it was one of those few times when he didn't have his hair tied up.

he finally looked into your eyes with his clouded yellow ones and slowly walked over, taking the spot next to you on the bed.

"i'm sorry i've been avoiding you. i just needed time alone to get over you. i really like you, you know" he gave you a quick smile, this time a genuine one.

"but i'll be okay. i'm sorry if i worried you" he opened an arm and you didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him in a tight hug.

"oh, kami. i'm really sorry. i wish things were different" your voice muffled by his shirt that was now stained with your tears.

you didn't know exactly why you were crying. feeling bad for his unrequited love? relieved that he didn't hate you? wishing you could love him the way he loved you? or maybe all of them.

"me too, y/n. me too" he barely whispered as he rested his chin on your head and stroked your hair.


don't speak, I know just what you're sayin'
so please stop explainin'
don't tell me 'cause it hurts
don't speak, I know what you're thinkin'
i don't need your reasons
don't tell me 'cause it hurts


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now