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hey lovely readers,

so my first book finally came to an end, even though that was high key cheesy. but oh well. i wanted to let you decide if you want to be bakugo's, go to denki or be with them both 👀

and while the main storyline ended, i might add little bonus one shot chapters like maybe a kaminari ending or a time skip to bakugo teaching an instrument to your kid, i dont know. depends on if my two remaining brain cells can come up wih any good ideas.

thank you so much for all of you who read and supported this book. i feel very humbled and never in a million years did i think so many of you would read this book! and your comments! they never fail to put a smile on my face.
i love you all so much 🖤

now i'm going to focus on updating the second book i started, FOUR, through which i'm practicing a different style. in this book, i wanted to practice writing lemons, with FOUR, there is a more complicated storyline and tons of action scenes. i will also go back and start editing this book to fix all the cringe and confusing parts haha.

thank you guys again and
hope you enjoyed this story!


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