Bonus 1

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i can't believe this book has 100k reads! thank you so much for your supportlove you all and hope you enjoy xoxo

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i can't believe this book has 100k reads!
thank you so much for your support
love you all and hope you enjoy


🎵 mine by bazzi

YOU SLOWLY OPENED YOUR EYES TO THE SUNLIGHT POURING OUT OF THE WINDOW. judging from the quiet air in the house, no one else was awake yet. you turned around in bakugou's tight hold to see his sleepy and calm face, free of any lines, almost pouty. his eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks, but the small snores escaping his parted lips indicated he was still sound asleep.

you reached out a hand and slowly played with his soft strands of ash locks, twirling them occasionally between your fingers. as you laid there quietly, your mind wandered around, reminiscing about the good old days. dating him through the end of high school definitely had its challenges with both of your insecurities and baggage making it hard to communicate. but eventually you'd overcame them all, though zuzu and kiri initially played important roles.

on the night of your graduation, when everyone was drinking and dancing, bakugou had took you aside and asked to take you somewhere else for a few hours. of course you wanted to spend your last night at ua with all your friends, but he'd promised it wouldn't take long.

so you'd gotten on the back of his motorcycle and the two of you had cruised down the road. your fingers had gripped his jacket tightly as you'd buried your face into his back. the exhilarating feeling never getting old. he'd finally pulled into a parking area by the beach.

you'd raised a brow at him in question as he'd helped you get off the bike. "beach? really?"

he'd leaned in with one of his rare smiles plastered on his face. "just shut up and follow me, dumbass."

you'd giggled from his choice of words. they were exactly the same ones he'd used when he'd brought you there for the first time to cheer you up. it was after an unpleasant encounter with your ex.

"dumbass? really? i thought i got a promotion from that nickname you call everyone."

"fine, shitty idiot." he'd looked at you from the side of his eye and intertwined his fingers with yours, tugging lightly to walk you to your favorite spot. it was a rather private patch of sand with the best view of the ocean.

"ouch. seems like i keep getting demotions these days. whatever should i do?" you tapped your chin with your finger playfully.

he'd bent down to your ear with his lips barely touching your lobe " you know what you gotta do" his voice had been low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine.

"katsuki..." you'd turned your body to face him, your fingers squeezing his a bit.

bakugou had scowled and taken off his jacket before putting it around your shoulder "i forgot how chilly it gets here at night".

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now