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🎵 selfish by pnb rock

THE ELEVATOR RIDE UP WAS UNCOMFORTABLY QUIET, with bakugou glaring at you and the plushie in your hands. he followed you to your room with his arms crossed and broke the silence as soon as you closed the door behind you.

"what the hell y/n? i thought you took the band stuff seriously?" bakugou's loud voice boomed in your room.

nothing you weren't used to though. you calmly placed the plushie on your desk before turning to him. "i didn't know you cared about our little music sessions kachan." i said coldly, making sure to emphasize the words cared and the nickname ochako called him by.

"are you an actual idiot? of course i fucking care."

you interrupted him "you didn't seem to care last night." your voice raised in volume a bit and venom dripped from every word.

he stepped closer and yelled back in your face "i didn't care? you're the one who fucking left before i even got to the door!"

"oh, well sorry i didn't want to interrupt whatever you had going on with ochako!" you took a step closer, too proud to back away.

"i had nothing going on with her. that bitch wouldn't fucking leave." bakugou argued.

"then why was she wearing your shirt?" you regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. but it was too late.

bakugou furrowed his eyebrows confused by your question before scowling, as if he just remembered something unpleasant "i don't fucking know. cause she's a weirdo?".

"right. you've never failed to kick anyone out of your room before. you want me to believe you suddenly couldn't kick her out?" you balled your hands into fists to stop them from shaking, the anger coursing through your veins so hot it was apparently evaporating all your sense of logic.

katsuki looked down at your closed fists then back up in your eyes before his scowl got replaced by a smug smirk with his realization "this isn't about our little song writing session is it?"

with those words, your eyes widened and your body started inching backwards. he took a step closer with every step you took back.

"oh, no. you're upset because ochako was there."

you gulped as you felt your back hit the wall behind you. he wasn't wrong, but there was no way in hell you would ever admit it to him. so you clenched your jaw and stayed quiet, scowling at him.

"what happened, y/n? no more yelling?" he got closer and trapped you with his palms flat on the wall on either side of your head, back curving a bit to be at your eye level.

he leaned in and whispered in your ear "kat's got your tongue?"

your body froze as soon as his warm breath touched your ear, tickling your skin. he bit your soft lobe, sending a shiver down your spine. you didn't stop him. but didn't say a word either.

"don't worry. there's nothing between her and i. not that i need to answer to you."

his spiky hair brushed against your cheek as he dipped his head to kiss your neck, slowly, taking his time at every patch of skin his lips touched.

"now it's my turn." his voice took a serious tone as he brought his head up to look into your eyes.

his red eyes bore into your e/c ones as he questioned you "are you dating dunce face? cause we should cancel our-"

"no." you quickly cut him off.

once again, your body was radiating heat and your heart was almost beating out of your chest. just by his mere presence.

and all your pain and confusion vanished, as if they never even existed in the first place.

"cutting me off, huh? someone's gotta teach you manners." he leaned in closer to your ear before cooing "bad girl~"

normally, you wouldn't take his shit. but right now, his dominating side was making him even more attractive and you hated it and loved it at the same time.

"oh yeah? why don't you teach me?" you challenged sassily.

he chuckled darkly and whispered "gladly." before kissing you hungrily.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now