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🎵 with a little help from my friends by the beatles

KIRISHIMA HAD INSISTED ON HAVING A BAND MEETING. so bakugou had reluctantly locked his door and headed to the red headed boy's room. he thought if dunce face grew some balls and just stopped sulking, he could've gone for a jog or trained instead. this meeting was going to be a waste of time and he wasn't happy about it.

he didn't bother to knock, reaching straight for the handle and opening kirishima's door harshly instead. kirishima and sero were sitting on his bed and kaminari had taken a seat behind his desk. they all looked up at the ash blond, expectantly.

"well" bakugo slammed the door closed and leaned on it, crossing his arms and legs "i'm fucking here. what's so important that you have to ruin my saturday afternoon for?" he asked angrily, his eyes staying on each of them for a few seconds.

kaminari's face was scrunched up in anger and disgust, repulsed just by his presence, but he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. sero elbowed kirishima urging him to start talking.

"bakubro, you and denki need to talk things through. the gig is coming up soon and we can't afford to mess this up. so both of you. man up and make up already" kirishima brought his hand in front of him and closed it into a fist, demonstrating his manliness with his last sentence.

"tch. i've got no problem with pikachu here. this is ridiculous. what are we, five?" bakugou's voice was disinterested and he was getting more annoyed by the minute.

"apprently you are" sero said standing up "come on kiri. let's give them some space". kirishima nodded and left the room with sero.

bakugo took a seat on the bed in front of denki and hung his head, exhaling loudly as he ran a hand through his hair. then he looked up at the electric boy again and opened his mouth to get this over with but denki beat him to it.

"you knew i liked her. so why?" kaminari asked trying to sound mad but he only sounded hurt as his eyes finally left the carpet and met bakugou's red ones.

bakugo's face was relaxed yet serious. "why what?"

"why did you date her without telling me?"

"i'm not dating her" the words left his mouth so quick it caught him a bit off guard.

his response made kaminari's blood boil as he pushed the chair back and darted up, yelling "then why the fuck were you making out with her?"

bakugo wasn't gonna take shit from this extra. whether denki was hurt or not. so he stood up and glared at him "cause i wanted to. and i don't need to answer to anyone."

"i deserve to know. you knew i liked her. but you kissed her. you know bakugo, even though you never openly admit it, i thought we were friends. why didn't you just tell me you liked her too?" kaminari's emotions were all over the place as his tone went from angry, to sincere, to hurt.

the ash blond grabbed kaminari by his collar and shook him once "listen up cause i'm only gonna say this once. whatever is between her and i, started way before i knew you liked her. as far as my feelings go, it doesn't matter whether i like her or not. if she wants to date you, i will back off. and i told her that too" pushing denki away he continued "so don't blame the fact that she doesn't wanna date you on me."

kaminari sat back down, holding his head in his hands. bakugo was right but he couldn't stop the pain, the ache, the tight feeing in his chest that made it hard to breathe. he inhaled sharply as his fingers dug into his scalp more.

"i didn't mean for you to see us. but i'm glad you did. you can move on now. even your stupid ass deserves to be with someone who wants to be with you just as much you want to be with them" bakugo tried to comfort him with the words he'd told himself once.

"thanks, bro" kaminari said a bit softer, letting go of his hair and bringing his fist in fron of katsuki's face "we're good?"

"yeah, whatever" the blond slapped his fist away, back to his disinterested act.

a few seconds later kirishima and sero came back in "all my bros doing good?"

bakugo and kaminari both nodded. "then come here" kirishima wrapped his arms around the two of them bringing everyone into a group hug.

"let go off me shitty hair. are you trying to die?"


did i mention i love kiri?!
photo by @ f0minika on ig

did i mention i love kiri?!photo by @ f0minika on ig

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Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now