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🎵 river by brkn love

ONCE YOU WALKED INTO THE MUSIC ROOM AND SAW BAKUGO WITH A RED NOSE SNIFFLING, you could barely stop your lips from stretching into a mocking smile. "oh, man. what happened to your superior immune system bakugo? i told you you'll catch my cold. or is it cause you cried all night from losing to me in mortal kombat?"

"just shut it, y/n" his voice was low and threatening, his stare holding so much intensity.

you motioned zipping your mouth before raising your hands in surrender. your smile was pissing him off enough, you didn't need to say anything more. you walked over and picked up your guitar, your voice still too scratchy to sing.

soon enough, everyone started walking in, breaking the silence with their loud chatter.

"hey y/n! how are you bakubro?" kirishima asked excitedly as he bumped bakugo's shoulder with his fist to which bakugo only growled.

"hey beautiful, you feeling better yet?" kaminari asked you flirtatiously as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"y/n!" mina screamed and ran up to you, dragging ochako behind her.

what was she doing here?

"hey" you smiled at mina before your gaze dropped to ochako. she was smiling with closed eyes and waving at everyone.

"hey katsuki" she greeted him so sweetly. you scoffed at her tone but covered it up with a few fake coughs. bakugo caught on, giving you a quizzical look and arching a brow before looking down at his drums.

he had decided to ignore ochako, just like he did yesterday, so he continued pretending she wasn't even there and kept himself busy adjusting his crash cymbal.

she wasn't one to easily give up though as she bent down to meet his gaze with a smile "how are you doing today, kachan?"

he glared at her. "fine" he mumbled under his breath before catching you staring at them, holding your stare for a few seconds, then looking away with an annoyed expression.

ochako walked over to you, apparently not satisfied with only annoying bakugo "i hope you don't mind i stopped by again. it's just you guys play so well, i wanna watch every practice" ochako beamed, emphasizing the word 'every' as she almost smirked at you.

she seemed to hate you just as much as you were angry at her. "stop by again?" you asked a bit confused, furrowing your brows.

"she stopped by yesterday that you missed practice. and brought us snacks! it was great" sero explained excitedly.

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now