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🎵 clairvoyant by the story so far

YOU GRABBED YOUR MUSIC SHEETS AND PHONE BEFORE HEADING TO BAKUGOU'S ROOM. you had planned to work on the music but was hoping to get your underwear back too. once you reached his door, you knocked and called the nickname he hated the most in a sing song tone.


your eyes widened and your body froze when ochako opened the door. you felt your heart sink deep into your stomach and chest tighten. calm the fuck down y/n, you told yourself. they're just friends.

"y/n!" ochako chirped before hugging you tightly.

"ochako?" you questioned, still a bit surprised.

"what are you doing here?" she asked, perfectly masking her surprise.

"oh, um" you glanced at the name plate by the door just for a second, wanting to make sure you had come to the right bedroom.

"you need kachan?" she asked again, noticing your confusion.

"hmm, yeah, just dropping off some music sheets for him..." you held up the papers to show her.

she nodded before saying "he's in the shower right now but i can give them to him if you want?"

for the second time that night, your eyes grew double their size. did she just say shower? you looked her up and down quickly, still a bit surprised. this was supposed to be your music session. your eyes landed on the black t-shirt she was wearing with the familiar white skull right in the middle of it and stayed there a bit longer than they should have. yeap, that was definitely katsuki's.

you felt a sharp pain in the side of your stomach before it slowly grew and traveled up to your chest right when the realization that they probably just slept together hit you like a ton of bricks. you felt sick and weren't sure why. what the hell was wrong with you?

she cleared her throat to get your attention again.

you could feel the tears building up but you forced them back down skillfully. "um... s-sure, yeah, t-thanks!" you hated that you stuttered a bit but still handed the sheets over to her.

"is someone at my fucking door?" you heard bakugou yell from his bathroom you assumed, his deep voice echoing off the walls.

as soon as you saw his figure in nothing but a towel around his waist, you couldn't control the tears anymore.

you quickly looked away and down at your phone, pretending you got a text message "ah! look at that! i g-gotta go, sorry. see you guys around."

you ran as fast as you could, trying to get away from the both of them.

was something going on between ochako and bakugou? did he like her? did they have a friends with benefits arrangement too? were there others? were you not enough?


bakugou had just turned the water off and wrapped a towel around his waist. he could hear the murmur of chitchat coming from his room. is that bitch still here, he questioned in his head and rolled his eyes.

he walked out of the bathroom to see ochako still in his room, standing by his door. "is someone at my fucking door?" he asked angrily. just as he reached the door, he saw your figure running down the hall and stood there and watched until it disappeared into the elevator.

he looked down to see ochako gawking at him, biting her lip at what he assumed was a seductive attempt. ew. he gave her a disgusted look "the fuck are you still here for?" his eyes dropped down her body before anger boiled in his veins "is that my fucking shirt?" he yelled.

she jumped at his harsh tone before replying "oh, huh? ah, yeah. sorry about that." she handed the shirt and a few papers back to him "y/n dropped these off for you~" she cooed while wiggling her eyebrows.

he took them away from her a bit more forcefully than he meant to as his signature scowl got deeper.

"so she's your new fuck buddy? or are you guys dating? anyways i'm sure you and i can still arrange somethi-" she rambled on with a smile.

but he had enough of it and definitely wasn't in the mood for any games. so he cut her off "get. the. fuck. out." he stepped closer to her as small explosions popped off of his empty hand threateningly.

she took a few steps back, a bit surprised.

as soon as he noticed she's outside of his room's threshold, he slammed the door in her face before locking it, seething with anger.

that bitch.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now