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🎵 i want to be with you by chloe moriondo

RIGHT AT 6:30, YOU HEARD A FEW SOFT KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR. you opened it to find denki with a big smile, handing you a bouquet of flowers. "hey beautiful! damn, you look gorgeous." he said with a wink, a tint of pink covering his cheeks.

you chuckled a bit as you took the flowers and put them in water "thanks denki. you don't look half bad either."

"let's go if you ready!" he said as he grabbed your arm and dragged you down the hall, barely giving you a chance to close the door behind you.

after a bit of walking, he guided you to the arcade section of the mall and bought enough playing chips for both of you.

all the colorful machines were shining and blinking in the dim lit area, each competing for your attention. 80s arcade music was booming out of the speakers, mixing with the games' soundtracks.

"ladies first. what game do you want to lose at first, beautiful?" kaminari asked with a cocky smile.

you chuckled "oh. you're so cute kami. you think you can beat me?" you flashed him a smug smile of your own.

he raised a brow, his smile never leaving his lips "how about we start with a classic. pacman?"

"oh, bring it."


after two hours of playing everything from mario kart to tekken and even dance dance revolution, kaminari suggested you cash out your tickets for a prize.

you weren't one to be too picky about these things so you let him do it and meet you by the entrance. and sure enough, after about 15 minutes, he was walking up to you with his hands behind his back.

" so... what did you get?" you asked as you moved your head around, trying to take a peek, but he kept blocking your view with his body playfully.

finally he handed you a pikachu plushie. "i want you to have it. like a memento of our time together today." he scratched the back of his neck, his eyes only able to stare at his shoes, suddenly embarrassed.

"oh kami..." your voice cracked a bit, overwhelmed with emotions. not because you were the romantic type per se. no. but because it seemed as though he actually liked you. like a lot. and frankly, you weren't going to accept going out with him if you knew it was a date.

you looked down, trying to avoid his bright yellow eyes as that familiar tight feeling tugged at your chest again. your fingers fidgeted with the plushie as you looked for the right words.

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now