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🎵 force of nature by bea miller

YOU LOCKED YOURSELF IN YOUR ROOM BEFORE DIVING INTO YOUR BED AND STUFFING YOUR FACE IN YOUR PILLOW. engulfed in confusion and hurt, you decided to just let the tears roll down your cheeks. they will eventually have to stop, right?

images of ochako in katsuki's shirt and him in only a towel kept replaying in your mind. i'm probably just overthinking this, you tried to reassure yourself and failed. to be honest you even overthought your overthinking so it had to make sense. but it didn't.

what the hell is wrong with you? it wasn't like he was your boyfriend or anything. he could sleep with whoever he liked. there was no commitment between the two of you. no strings attached. that was what you both agreed on.

so why did it hurt so much to see her there? did he really have to go and sleep with her on the same day? did you not satisfy him?

all those times...

the time he saw your lyrics late night, found out about your cheating ex and cheered you up...

the time when he let you ride on the back of his motorcycle and got fast food with you even though he only ate healthy...

the time when he defended you in front of your ex...

the time when he took you to the beach to take you mind off of your ex...

the time when he had his guard down. when he was being playful. when he laughed. his laugh.

did he do all that out of pity? feeling bad for the little broken sad girl?

you thought keeping this relationship strictly physical would protect your heart.

then why did it feel the same as when you found out shindo cheated on you?

had he been chipping away from the wall you so carefully had built with all those little deeds? how could you not notice?

shindo cheated on you because you weren't enough.

and bakugou had to sleep with others because, once again, you weren't enough.

it seems like no matter how much you tried, you only managed to disappoint. drive people to seek what they need from others. never enough.

with a loud groan you reached for your phone and texted the only close friend you had.

hey. you busy izu?

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now