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| CHAPTER SIX |WARNINGlemonif you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter

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if you don't like it or are not of age please skip to next chapter. this chapter won't change the story line. all the important stuff will be implied if necessary.

🎵 high for this by the weeknd

HIS BREATH WAS HOT ON YOUR SKIN, FANNING IT WITH EVERY SMALL PANT AND GRUNT. you didn't know how you ended up with him pushing deep inside of you but you weren't complaining either. one minute your lips were dancing together and the next he was driving into you- fucking you into the bed.

his large calloused hands slowly moved down your sides, gripping your hips tightly as his length pushed deeper into your velvety walls. his head dropped down to your neck, nibbling and teasing your sensitive spots.

you could barely hold your moans and pants in. "ngh~... baku...gou~" your hands desperately clawed at his back and shoulders as you rolled your hips to meet his thrusts.

you were sure you could feel all of his hard length as your walls clenched around him tightly. your hands moved to his ash locks, tugging and driving out grunts through his teeth.

his movements were hard and deep. way too accurate. always hitting the spot that made your skin tingle from pleasure. "ah~... right~... there~... baku~... ah~" your stomach was doing flips and your toes were curling up.

"fuck, y/n" he breathed heavily through his gritted teeth. his voice raspy and ragged "you're so fucking tight- fuck~" his pace was getting faster as his grip got tighter, fingers dipping into your warm flesh- sure to leave a mark.

he moved one of his large hands across your thigh, leaving a trail of flourishing goosebumps behind, as he raised it over his shoulder. he readjusted his angle before pushing into you again.

you could feel a hot feeling in the pit of your stomach, a knot begging to be released. "ah~... bakugou~... i'm~" your voice caught in your throat as his other hand moved down to your warmth, rubbing slow circles.

you were overwhelmed by the sensation of your walls flexing around his length and his fingers touching you in all the right places. "i'm... i'm.." before you could finish your sentence, you released over him. pleasure pulsating through your body, hips jerking, and toes curling up.

your body relaxed and went limp underneath him. your hands stayed still around his neck, almost lifeless, as your body was overtaken by ecstasy. he looked at your flustered face, eyes closed, mouth hung open a bit as he felt your wet warmth around him.

he sped up his thrusts, sharp movements driving in and out of you, chasing his own pleasure. he felt a need, an itch, to release. "you feel so fucking good y/n" he whispered in your ear before nibbling its lobe, earning himself a soft whimper from you.

as he chased his orgasm, he continued kissing you all over your chest and neck. you tilted your head to give him more access to your sensitive skin right where your shoulder met your neck. he continued nibbling and marking your soft skin until with one final push, he pulled out and released his cum over your stomach.

panting heavily, he dropped himself on top of you, still holding his weight on his elbows. he kissed your lips one last time before trying to pull away. but your arms pulled him back down by the neck "stay a bit longer."

he didn't say anything, but dropped himself down next to you as his arms snaked around your waist pulling you in his chest. he hid his head in the crook of your neck as you laid there in silence catching your breath.

Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

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