'8.0 - YOU OWE ME.

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🎵 do i wanna know by arctic monkeys

"SO I WAS PLAYING AROUND WITH SOME CHORDS, and i found this tune that kinda reminded me of your style of music. we might be able to use it." bakugou explained as he bent down and grabbed his guitar from the side of his bed.

you were doing your best to focus on him and the task at hand after getting flustered from seeing a shirtless bakugou opening the door earlier. as much as you liked to take in the sight of his broad shoulders and chiseled muscles, you had to force him into a shirt if you were to get anything done tonight.

bakugou looked at you expectantly with a small scowl. realizing you were just standing in the middle of his room drowned in your thoughts, you snapped out of it and quickly made your way to his bed, sitting down in front of him.

with a small smile, you gestured for him to start before scribbling down what he had said earlier in your notebook. as he played the chords, you added a few more lines and a pinch of your personal touch to the lyrics.

once he was done, you looked back up at him, eyes shining with a glint of excitement "i like it. a lot actually. so i wrote some stuff down just now. let's go again and i'll sing them. if you like it too, we can use it as the base and add on from there."

you and bakugou had very different tastes in music. but with a skeptical look on his face, he agreed "i doubt it'll be any good but fine."

you waited for the familiar chord that cued you in before singing:

there's this tune i found
that makes me think of you somehow
and i play it on repeat
until I fall asleep

bakugou's eyes widened for a fleeting second and you would have missed it if you weren't paying attention. "did you just use what i said earlier?"

"yah! you like it?"

he stared at you in silence, carefully thinking about his next words before replying "it's not as shitty as i thought it'd be."

"wow bakugou. watch out. that almost sounded like a compliment." it really was the nicest thing he had said about your lyrics so far.

but he wasn't happy about getting teased "watch it, extra." he barked back.

you scoffed at the stupid nickname he knew you hated and sent him an angry glare. he squinted his eyes at you, daring you to say something back but you just huffed out and focused back on adding a few more lines to the song.

wanting to make sure you weren't making the song 'shittty', he put his guitar back down and inched closer to you before leaning down on the notebook.

you could feel the heat emitting from his warm body with how close he was. his bangs brushed up on your forehead as he dipped his head down and started writing in the notebook on your lap.

once his pen stopped moving, as if on cue, both of you looked up, faces only inches apart and noses almost touching. a slight blush crawled up to your cheeks again as the closeness reminded you of the night before. you could see a tint of pink forming on bakugou's cheeks too.

yet both of you stayed still, waiting for the other to make the first move, whether it was to pull back or lean in. you noticed bakugou's crimson eyes dropping down to your lips and staying there a bit longer than they should have before darting back up to your eyes.

the simple move almost made your breath hitch in your throat. you were sure he could feel the heat radiating off of your face as your heart drummed in your chest rapidly. your whole body was paralyzed in place with only butterflies flying around in your stomach.

deciding to make the first move, you finally forced your mouth open to speak "we should get something to eat." you blurted out. "i'm really hungry."

it seemed like the sound of your voice pulled him out of some sort of a trance, because as soon as those words left your lips he scooted back and looked to the side, scratching the back of his neck.

"fine. let's head to the kitchen." he retorted before getting up to leave, trying to create more distance between the two of you.

"no." you played with your fingers nervously "i mean like, outside. fast food or something. you have your motorcycle on campus, right? i know a 24/7 burger place close by." you knew bakugou only ate healthy but it was at least worth a shot.

bakugou stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around with a crinkled nose "you wanna go to a fast food place at" he looked over at his alarm clock on his night stand "3:17 in the fucking morning?"

"yeah! come on, it'll be fun. besides, i'm sure they have some healthy options too." you insisted, hoping that last bit would convince him, but didn't really wait for his response. instead, you walked straight to his closet and went through all his clothes as if you owned them.

"what the hell are you doing in there?" bakugou asked angrily as he walked over to you in two big strides.

"getting a hoodie, duh. what else? it's cold around this time. plus it'll be windy on your bike."

"tch. get out of the way." he pushed you to the side and grabbed a hoodie for himself before throwing one at you. "you owe me after this." he spat through his teeth.

"yeah, whatever." your voice was muffled by the thick fabric of his hoodie as you tried to force your head out of it.

"hurry the fuck up then. i need to be back soon to train".


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now