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🎵 ride by somo

LATER THAT WEEK, YOU DECIDED TO HEAD TO THE MUSIC ROOM AN HOUR EARLIER. you were hoping to get the piano portion of the song done before others joined for the practice. the hallways were empty and if it wasn't for the sound of your footsteps bouncing off the walls, pretty quiet too.

you opened the door to the music room and only took a step in before jumping back. you weren't expecting to see anyone in there, let alone bakugou, and behind the piano out of all places too. "bakugou?" you questioned with a quirked brow, still frozen in the door frame.

he looked over his shoulder and only nodded in acknowledgement before turning his attention back to the black and white ivories in front of him. you knew he was amazing on the drums and decent enough with the guitar. but seeing him behind the grand piano was a sight you never thought you'd see.

his fingers traveled over the keys gracefully as he occasionally pressed a few down, playing an enchanting melody. a soft and dulcet tone resonated through the instrument, contradicting his explosive nature.

"are you gonna just stand there?" he asked without sparing you a look.

with an eye roll, you finally closed the door behind you and slowly walked over to him. "i didn't know you played the piano... and this well for that matter." you took a seat next to him. "mind if i play too?"

when he didn't respond, you took his silence, or more so the lack of protest, as a sign of approval. you joined him in playing, improvising with the lower notes and turning his song into a duet. he looked up at you and flashed a quick smile. his eyes were filled with amusement, seemingly liking this new composition.

his fingers didn't stop as he finally decided to answer your initial question "i'm amazing at everything. you should know that by now." he looked at you from the side of his eye. the smug look on his face and the knowing smirk stretching his lips told you he wasn't just talking about playing the piano.

his left hand moved over your right one to play a chord between your hands before going back to the high notes on his side. how was he so good at this?

you smiled back at him playfully before replying "i don't know what you're talking about, bakugou."

suddenly his fingers stopped. he straightened his back and turned his body slightly towards you."are you saying you've forgotten already?" he put a hand on the seat behind you before leaning in until his lips were lined up with your ear "do i need to remind you again?" he whispered before biting your lobe gently, teasingly.

the electrifying sensation made you shudder. he was like a drug. one touch and you'd be craving more. just his scent sent you into an intoxicating trance.

bakugou loved the effect he had on you. every time you reacted to the smallest caress of your skin or the sound of his rough voice in your ear, he craved to elicit more.

his fingers left the seat and trailed up your back to your neck only to move down to the middle of your back again. up and down. he repeated slowly.

you tried to ignore him and continue playing, determined not to give in too easily. you hoped your indifference riled him up more, but your body made it impossible, betraying you with a shiver under his touch. and it only added to his already massive ego.

the side of his lip tugged upward again as his now sadistic eyes looked at you with pure lust. bakugou loved how you melted into him and when you played a wrong chord and let out a soft whimper, his heart fluttered.

before you could say a word, his lips were on yours in a hungry yet passionate kiss. he didn't waste any time to push his tongue into your mouth, eager to explore every inch of it.

your hands traveled to his neck before moving through his soft hair and tugging the strands lightly. a whine left your lips in protest when he temporarily pulled away to let you catch your breath.

he pulled you onto his lap, letting you straddle his hips, still on the chair. your back brushed up against the white keys of the piano, but didn't make much noise.

bakugou grabbed your hair and pulled on it, tilting your head back to showcase the slope of your neck. not wasting any time, he started kissing every inch of it, giving most of his attention to your sweet spot as his hands roamed up and down the sides of your body.

kisses, nibbles, licks, bites. he was refusing to miss even an inch, leaving your soft skin tingled in a frenzy of static.

"bakugou~" you moaned out when he kissed the spot where your neck met your shoulder.

he hummed in response but didn't stop his assaults on your neck.

"what if...someone walks in?" you asked breathlessly.

"don't worry. we've got time." he managed to say in between his kisses.

though you were a bit concerned, hormones shut down your higher brain and let your animalistic side rise up instead. so you squeezed you eyes shut and let yourself drown in the sensation of bakugou's soft lips over your skin.

your mind was fuzzy, filled with desire and pleasure. your body aching, almost begging for him to touch you more. you wanted, no needed more. letting go of the small ounce of control you had left, you pushed your hips down before grinding on him.

bakugou let out a deep grunt as your grip on his ash locks tightened. the few pieces of fabric between you weren't creating nearly enough friction to get either of you off.

and unlike you, he wasn't gonna take it anymore.

"fuck, you drive me crazy. c'mere."


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now