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🎵 only happy when it rains by garbage

IT WAS RAINING CATS AND DOGS WHILE IZUKU AND YOU WERE SITTING ON THE STEPS OUTSIDE THE COMMON AREA, the roof barely covering the two of you. the sky roared and a few seconds later, lightning flashed across the dark night, lighting up your faces.

you giggled a bit every time zuzu jumped at the sound, surprised by the rumbling in the sky. you suggested to go inside but he insisted that he definitely was not scared and definitely didn't only want to stay because he knew you loved the rain.

you held your hand out, letting rain drops kiss the skin of your palm. the coldness of each lasting only a few seconds before getting replaced by another drop.

you and izuku had been catching up, away from everyone's antics. he was playing his new playlist on his speaker but it was almost completely washed out by the sound of heavy drops hitting the concrete.

your body was itching to step into the rain and let it shower you as you breathed its freshness in. as if on cue only happy when it rains started playing.

"you know this song zuzu?" a bit surprised he was into it.

"of course!"

in a blink of an eye you darted up and held your hand out to izuku as you stood in front of him. the rain washing over your body, already dripping down the ends of your hair.

"what are you doing n/n?" izuku asked with wide eyes.

"come on, zuzu. take my hand. we're dancing!"

he looked at your hand before looking back up to you, confused "are you crazy? it's pouri-aaaaah".

before he could finish you grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "so what if i am?" you giggled and grabbed both of his hands as you spun together and threw your head back with eyes closed, breathing in that familiar scent.

you started dancing and spinning as you yelled the lines back and forth at the top of our lungs:

i'm only happy when it rains
i feel good when things are going wrong
i only listen to the sad, sad songs
i'm only happy when it rains

even though the song was not inherently a happy one, your giggles and laughter made it seem like it was, or that you were both just out of your minds.

in your peripheral, your eyes caught a glimpse of todoroki by the door as you spun and jumped around. you stopped and indeed there he was, standing there, watching the two of you with a confused and concerned expression.

your eyes widened once you noticed bakugo next to him with his arms crossed, scowling, occasionally muttering something to shoto, to which he would nod. you knew it was bad if the two of them were agreeing on something.

"looks like your man's here for you zuzu" you teased and nodded behind him towards todoroki.

"sho!" midorya called out as soon as he saw him. then he turned back to you and said "looks like yours is here too~" his shit eating grin the last thing you saw before he ran to his boyfriend.

"what?! no!" you yelled out behind him hoping you didn't sound as flustered as you felt as you followed him.

"izuku, come here. you're drenched. why would you do something like this? you can get sick" shoto's voice was calm but his eyes were filled with worry as he wrapped his left arm around izuku, using his quirk to dry and warm him.

"idiot. absolute moron." bakugo spitted through his teeth, looking down at you angrily.

"what is your problem mr. anger issues?" you asked, wondering what had gotten his boxers twisted this time.

"my problem? what's your problem? oh wait, i know. you're a fucking dumbass!"

his name calling was getting out of hand but as soon as you opened your mouth to protest he continued "you're gonna get fucking sick".

was he... worried? "first of all, stop calling me stupid, angry dandelion. second of all, it's just some rain. i'm not gonna get sick." you defended as you followed shoto and midorya inside.

if it had been two years ago, bakugo would have resorted to his explosions by now to put you in your place. but he had gotten better at calming himself down. so he ignored the nicknames and took a deep breath before continuing "yes you will. how can you be so irresponsible?"

"what?" this time you were a bit confused.

"you're our vocalist. how are you gonna sing if you get sick?" he asked angrily as he took his hoodie off.

so he's worried about the band. you felt guilt tug at your chest. you hadn't even thought about that.

you reached out to grab his hoodie but he held it away "not like that, dumbass" he said before grabbing todoroki by the collar of his shirt "hey, icy hot, dry her off too!"

shoto nodded and started using his quirk but half way through bakugo yanked him away muttering "that's enough touching her" under his breath and handed you his hoodie.

"thank you so much shoto!" you gave him your warmest smile.

"anytime y/n"

as shoto and izuku left, bakugo ordered you to "go and take a hot shower, then" he got in your face and lowered his voice to be more threatening "pray you don't get sick or i'm gonna kill you."

"i do whatever i want" you frowned even though he was right about the first part. and who were you kidding? he was probably right about the second part too.

he only growled and shot you a hard glare in response as he walked away to his room.

"he doesn't know what he's saying. i'll be just fine" you went up to your room, still annoyed at how bossy bakugo was being.


Where words fail, music speaks
-Hans Christian Andersen

♪ STRINGS ATTACHED | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now