Chapter 19

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Katniss' point of view

I finally told Peeta I wanted children. I wasn't going to tell him yet due to what's going on, but after seeing his painting I knew it was the right time.

After I helped him tidy up the mess, I linked my arm in his and we walked back to our apartment.  When I left Fin was still asleep but he is awake by the time we return. When he sees us walk in he shoves his arm through the gap in the bars. I walk over and lift him out of his cot. He starts calling for Annie so Peeta and I walk to Annie's new room, Peeta knocks on the door and Annie tells us to enter.

The moment Annie's spots Fin she comes running over. I pass Fin to her and Peeta and I are instantly forgotten. It's amazing seeing how much Annie changes whist Fin is around and I can tell that yesterday's incident has allready been forgotten.  I'm quite happy about it really as the rest of the journey might be normal. 

Me and Peeta leave to go back to our room before breakfast and I jump in the shower. Even with the recent updates to 12 the showers still aren't as modernised as they are on this train. After washing my hair and pinning it up in a platted bun, I go back in to the compartment to pick out what I'm going to wear today.

We I open the door to the bedroom I see Peeta has disappeared again and some clothes have been laid out on the bed for me. On top of the shoes is a note from Peeta

Don't worry Kat, I haven't run off again. Meet you in the breakfast cart and hope you like the outfit I have picked for you.

Reading the note made me laugh so I hurriedly get dressed in to the outfit and leave the compartment. He pick me out a navy hoodie and pale blue jeans.  He also gave me some small black heels. They don't really go but as he picked them out for me I feel it's my respect to wear them.

When I reach the dining compartment it's empty except for Peeta, Sae and her grandaughter. I run over to Peeta and squeeze him around the waist. I don't know why I did it but it just felt right. I regret it almost instantly as he starts to tiggle me. I attempt to get away from him but it's no good. He tries to pick me up but I accidently kick his prosthetic so we both end up on the floor. I look over to see Sae's grandaughter laughing hysterically.

Just when we start to act like the adults we are the other come in.  Gale and Joanna look like they haven't slept and Effie still has bed hair, which no one is mentioning. We all sit together and eat a breakfast of bacon sandwichs and fruit as the Capitol news is on. Nothing new has happened in a which just means our interview us going to be even more anticipated.

------ time lapse -------

Nothing exciting happened till about an hour before we were set to arrive in the Capitol.  Everyone but Peeta and Effie was in the main carriage of the train playing card games when Effie came in with the trains main phone. She puts it on loud speaker and places it in the middle of the table.

"Hello is everyone there? It's Caesar"

Everyone looks at me so I take it I'm meant to reply

"Hi Caesar, everyone here but Peeta" At this point everyone shouts hello to the phone "Do you need Peeta here I could go find him if you want?"

He pauses for a minuite before he replies " no its all right as long as the majority of you are there you can pass the message on to Peeta. It's about our arrangement.  I know we agreed no publicity but one of our trusted crew member sort of let it slip. I will be pleased to inform you that they no longer work for us. But it means there is a huge crowd at the train station in anticipation of your arrival."

"Are you being serious Ceaser? Isn't there anything else that could be done about it?" I see everyone nodding around me so I knew I am asking the right questions.

"That's the thing. We have two stations in the Capitol and there are people waiting at both. There are not as many people at the smaller station but it means a longer train journey for you and a longer car journey, but there is a chance that station will be less crowded when you arrive as it will take an extra day."

"Can we just talk about this as a group please Ceaser?" I ask

"Sure I will phone you back in 10"

Haymich quickly runs to find Peeta whist we all start to talk about the situation. It's not perfect but should we really wait an extra day? By the time Haymich returns with Peeta we have come up with an idea. As Joanna updates them on what we came up with I just admire Peeta. It's turns he had been in the shower as he comes in wearing just a fluffy white towel. His chest is still wet and his hair is plastered to his head.

When Ceaser calls back it's still up to me to talk. I just hope he doesn't mind what we have come up with.

"So have you decided what you are going to do?" He asks

"We're wondering if it's possible to split between the two. Some get off some at this station and some wait till the other station tomorrow. Is that possible?" 

"Yeah that's fine I can't wait to see everyone.  Beetee and Enobaria aren't arriving till the day after tomorrow anyway so it it's not too bad. See you all soon."

"Be Ceaser! " Everyone shouts and I hang up the phone.

---small time lapse----

When the train pulls up we get ready to leave. Peeta, Haymich, Joanna and I are getting off now. We did this so we could hide the relationships between Gale and Joanna and Haymich and Effie.

When  we step on to the platform I am overwhelmed by the amount of people there. The cameras start going off and Peeta pulls me closer. Me and Peeta get in to a car of our own whilst Haymich and Joanna share.

On our way to the hotel  me and Peeta Don't talk much. We try to avoid coming to the Capitol unless we really have to and I can tell Peeta is trying to avoid an attack happening.

When we arrive at the hotel I am relieved to see that it is nothing like the one from the games. Peeta and I say night to Joanna and Haymich and head to our room. Tonight is for us and us alone.

When  we reach our room we both collapse on to the bed. It is circular in shape and the bed covers are lovely and soft. I just lay there staring at the ceiling and I notice Peeta starting to get up.

"where do you think you are going mister?" I ask in a condescending voice

"None of your business." She says as he sticks hus tongue out. Before I can reply he runs out of the room. Whilst he's gone I get changed in to a nightshirt and I put pillows under the cover pretending to be me. Instead I hide behind the dresser.

When I hear the door open I hear Peeta sigh "Oh Katniss, I can't believe you are allready asleep."

I see him go toward the bed but he stops before the dresser. I hear something being placed on the dresser so I take this as my opportunity to scare him. I reach my hand under the dresser and grab his good ankle. He shrieks like a girl and I crawl out laughing. That's when he pins me on the floor and shoves the chocolate cake he had in the tray in my face.


So what do you think? I love hearing feedback and your ideas off everyone so don't feel scared to comment. Hope you like I and thanks to all my readers. I never thought my story would become this popular and it couldn't be done without all you guys!!

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