Chapter 2

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Haymich's point of view

There was a knock at the door. As I go to open it I stumble over one of my slippers which I left just lying on the floor. I curse loudly then open the door.

Standing outside it Peeta. In his hands he hold a small parcel packaged neatly in a brown cardboard box. In 3 they have been trying to develop a more advanced packaging material but it just not working out. It turns out that is what he was shouting to Katniss on the phone earlier. That they had one of his parcels. 

I thank Peeta for bringing it to me and invite him in, but he says he has to pop to the bakery and he will possibly come visit later. This instantly brightens my mood as there is nothing worse than being stuck alone which just your though to haunt you. Especially after what I've been through. I close the dorr and set the package down on my little side table. I plan to open it later.

I decide I need to go to the shops and purchase some goods due to the fact we are expecting visitors tomorrow and my fridge is currently bare.

I start by visiting the butchers and purchase some game. It's not my favourite but it is one of the only meats which does not remind me of my games and the Capitol.  I give the butcher my money and walk out.

The bakery was my next stop. I open the door and the bell rings signalling the entrance of a customer. Peeta is not present but his assistant is manning the counter and it means I will not have to have a long conversation.

"Haymich!" She laughed when she saw me "what did I do to earn this pleasure?"

"I just wondered of you had any cupcakes."

" bit feminine for you isn't it Haymich" I pretended not to hear that

"Just answer my question please. Do you have any cupcakes?"

She packs up a box of 12 chocolate cupcakes and hands me my change.

"Pleasure seeing you Haymich" I walk out.

Deciding I had had enough of shopping I headed back home to victors village. Upon returning home I see a note pinned to my door.
Dear Haymich. Just wanted to invite you to dinner tonight at ours. Meal starts at 7:30. Hope to see you soon. K and P.

Great, now I have to do something tonight.


So... end of chapter two. Please tell me what you think, I really appreciate the feedback as this is my first story.  Thanks to all my readers. All rights belong to Suzanne Collins. Have a good day

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