Chapter 26

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Peeta's point of view

We've been in the Capitol for 3 weeks now. 3 weeks of concern for us all and 3 weeks of mourning for the driver and Sae's grandaughter.  The only good thing is Effie's allowed out the hospital today. Haymich left 15 minutes ago to pick her up.  She still can't remember a lot but she recognises most of us. It's just the people who she doesn't remember. For them it must be harder.

I went to see her yesterday. She was asleep when I got there. Her golden curls lying atop her pillow. She looked so peaceful.  It wasn't long before she woke up. She knows who I am now. I was one of the first she remembered. We just sat and spoke about the others, trying to help her remember who they are. She knows me and Haymich the best. I don't quite know why. Katniss she has a vague recollection of. She can sit and talk with her and know about her, but she loses her train if though sometime.  That gets quite difficult for Katniss. Annie pops by occasionally and speaks with her but she's just the victor from 4 to Effie. It's Joanna who surprises me the most.  Her and I went together the other day and Effie acted the same around Joanna as she does with me and Haymich. I didn't know she knew her that well. The main problem lies with Gale, Fin and Zoe. No matter what she doesn't seem to be able to remember then. Gale doesn't mind too much. He knows it can be hard and Fin is too little to understand. But for Zoe, it is horrible. She was only allowed to see her once and it was a heartrenching moment for everyone. She still doesn't remember Zoe.

Her memory is getting better with every day. The doctors gave her this new pill which help speed up her minds mending process but they said it could be up to a month before her memory has fully recovered. That means we are going to be stuck in the Capitol for another month at least. Cesar is still adamant on the interview. In the meantime however, Katniss and I are setting up our hotel for Effie's well awaited return.

--time lapse--

After we get everything set up I run to my room to change. I go to the wardrobe and pick out a pale blue shirt and black trousers. I also change my socks, I don't think Effie will appreciate a pair of odd socks with a hile at the toe.

Just as I'm stepping out the room I hear a car pull out outside and know it must be them. I rush to be by Katniss side and she gives me a quick peck on my stubbly cheek. That's when the door comes open and we can finally welcome Effie home, or as close to home as we can call the hotel.

A glimmer of excitement flashes through her eyes as she takes in her surroundings.  Her eyes dart to towards the cupcakes which lay on the table, Joanna and I whipped them up earlier, decorated with frosting to represent some of her still present Capitol wigs.  She gives us a thankful smile and goes towards the cakes. It's 10 minuites before she's ready to talk again.

When she has finally finished eating she takes Haymichs' arm and follows us in to the living room. We all just sit there talking,  reminiscing some of the memories which Effie still has. We all introduced her to real or not real. I know how much it helps when you are trying to remember, I just hope it is as much use to Effie as it was for myself.

It's half 10 when Kaniss finally suggests going to bed. Zoe's currently in Annie's room so Haymich doesn't have to worry about her.

As we walk to our room I feel Katniss' arm reach around my back and her placing her hand on my hip. I rest my head on her shoulder and kick the door shut behind us.  Katniss walks to the wardrobe to get a change of clothes so I decide to lay on the bed. Suddenly everything goes dark and I'm asleep.

Katniss' point of view

I'm pleased Peeta fell asleep early, I don't know how I would be able to slip away from him otherwise. It's almost time for my meeting with President Paylor.

I slip on my brown trench coat and my matching ankle boots and head out to the meeting I am dreading.

As I start to walk along the streets I notice it's busier than I expected. Luckily enough I have become more familar with some of the backstreets around here, we still get stopped often by people recognising us so it's a lot better knowing these back routes. 

As I'm turning one of the last corners before our meeting point I realise that there is absolutely no one around.  That is never usually the case in the Capitol.  I guess it's just the tightened security regarding the president being out in public.

I finally reach the meeting place, the roof of the tribute center. It's one of the only places in the Capitol where I am able to feel safe whilst alone.  I check my watch 12:37 - 2 minuites early. Effie must have finally rubbed some of her habits on to me. I take a seat on the floor next to one of the flower beds, it's filled with lupins, so I pick a stalk of them and just smell them.

"I think they're meant to stay on the ground you know? At least that's what I've heard."

"Paylor, nice to catch up. Also, what's the fun in leaving them in the ground?" I say with a smile spreading across my face

"Still the same attitude and sarcasm I see. You wouldn't be our mockingjay without them. Anyway about our meeting,  interesting place for a meeting. I'm pleased to see that you came alone, the others though you still might have brought Peeta."

" I was told alone so I came alone. I don't want to have to put him through anything else. He had a flashback ealier, first one in months, and it really took a toll on him. I didn't want go stress him out"

"I hope he's fine now. Is it ok if the contents of this conversation remain just between the two of us? You know friend to friend?"

"Friend to friend? I will keep its contents between us unless I feel it to be of an importance to the others. If I believe it to be important then they will not hesitate to tell them."

"Deal" Paylor nods and takes a seat on the floor beside me. I notice a tired look on her face and I realise how much her job must take its toll on her.

"So what was I called out her for?"

"The thing is, you know how much responsibility this job requires, I'm

... struggling with it and I think I need lsoem assistance. I was talking to some of my most trusted employees and we all agreed witht the fact that I need an assistant and I was wondering if you would considering if you would consider the role?"

I just sit there in silence, shocked about what she just said. That's quite a lot to ask and I don't know whether I'm up for it. Would it prove to be too much for me?

"What would I have to do? Would be able to stay in 12?"

"I don't want you to do much, I was just wondering if you would be someone would I could come to for advise and who could help me make important decisions. Oyu would be like ym second in command but with an eaiser life. You could remain in 12 but it would probably help if also got a house out here. I wouldn't expect you to pay for it though, it would be fully funded by the Capitol, all you would have to provide is food."

"It's a... its a big decision. I can't decide right now. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to talk to Peeta about this, it's as much his decision as it is mine. Let me just talk to him and get back to you."

"Fine. Peeta is as much involved in this as you are.  Just call when you have made your decision. Here's my number." She hands me a small piece of card with a phone number written on it, as I stop to look at the number she gets up and leaves. I'm now alone on the roof of the tribute center, pondering one of the biggest decisions of my life.


Sorry for the long wait, I hope to update quicker. Thanks to all my readers for over 2k reads. You are all AMAZING!!

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