Chapter 4

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Effie's point of view

I can't believe it. I finally managed to pluck up the courage and visit district 12. I haven't been here since the 75th hunger games but it is full of the people I care about, although I haven't spoken to any of them since they did an interview in the Capitol about 7 months ago. There was a reason for this though, but only now am I feeling courageous enough to share it.

I had been trying to contact either Peeta or Katniss since I was on the train from the Capitol. The only problem was I didn't know their number. I tried many district 12 numbers in the phone book. Sometimes no one answered. Sometimes I didn't know who answered. Finally I managed to get hold of them. The only problem was I was allready in 12.

I collect my belongings and start to go towards what I believe to be victors village. Just as I'm climbing down the stairs I hear the sound if a car horn.

Katniss point of view

Peeta told me the moment he got off the phone that effie was allready here. She must have got the last train of the day as it is currently 8 p.m. here. I told him we have to go and pick her up and he agreed. We got in the car, which we do not use much, and headed to the station. Lucky for us it is only a 2 minute drive. Just as we arrived we see someone struggling down the stairs.  Peeta sound 5 the horn as I jump out to go help her.

I reach her and fall silent. Standing in front of me is Effie Trinket. But not the Effie Trinket I remember. She is dressed in a minimalistic blue dress and flat shoes. Barley any makeup cakes her face and her hair is a pale blond. That's not the biggest surprise I get. In her arms she carriers a child. Not a baby really, the child has to be about 1, maybe a little more. I stand there in amazement.

"Katniss, I'm sorry I didn't tell you and Peeta about this before."

This brings me back to my senses. I call Peeta's name and tell Effie it can wait till we get back to our place. I can tell this is going to be a long night.

Peeta's point of view

After we arrive home we bring in Effie stuff whilst she takes in the child. We take her stuff to one of the spare rooms we have in our house and let her get everything settled. We tell her to meet us in the living room when she's ready.

About half an hour later she turns up downstairs. Me and Katniss had been spending time watching some re-run on TV so we were quite pleased when  Effie turned up. She sat down in one of the plush blue armchairs and Katniss tells her that she is welcome to stay as long as she likes. We had allready decided we were not going to pressure her in to telling us anything she doesn't want to and we haven't told anyone else she has arrived. That's when she begins to talk.

"Peeta and Katniss, it is so nice seeing you after so long. It feels like ages since we last spoke. I know I've been hiding stuff from you but I felt I couldn't share it with anyone till now. In fact you are the only people other than my parents who will actually know what's happened."

At this point I start to feel worried about what she might tell us. It's been so long since she's seen us and she is willing to trust us with her story.

"The thing is it hasn't been easy for me since your last games. You see during the rebellion I was pregnant. Only my parents knew and fortunately they knew somewhere I could hide. No one knew where I was other than them. After the rebellion was over I tried to keep to myself as I didn't want to burden anyone else with the information after what they had been through. My pregnancy went smoothly and I gave birth to my daughter Zoe - Marie. Things were going well and I was looking forward to seeing everyone at the interview earlier this year. I just wasn't ready to tell everyone yet. Then about 2 weeks ago someone found out who Zoe's father was. I don't know how but they threatened to tell the press. I managed to convince them not too but I no longer felt save in the Capitol.  It took me some time to get everything ready but that's when I decided I would come to 12. I knew I wouldn't get judged here."

I couldn't believe Effie managed to keep this from us. It must have been so hard for her. " no one in 12 would judge you Effie. You know you were always welcome here and always will be" I tell here.

"The thing is Peeta and Katniss.... Zoe's father is Haymich".

Effie's point of view

I was pleased I finally plucked up the courage to tell someone. Currently they are just sitting there shocked. What can be expected when a bombshell like this is dropped on them. " just don't tell him please. He doesn't know yet and I need to tell him this myself."

Katniss replies

" Don't worry Effie. Peeta and I are here to support you through this. For now though let's try and get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. Annie and her son are visiting."


Bombshell. So Hayffie is starting to happen. But what will happen next? Also two updates in a day! Thanks to all my readers

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