Chapter 8

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Haymich's point of view.

Effie grabs my hand and starts off down the path of victors village. I notice lights on in one if the vacant houses which means Annie must be here allready. We get to the edge of the village when Effie stops abruptly.

"What's wrong Sweetheart?" I ask her, she so rarely stops when she's on a mission

"Well um the the thing is... I um don't actually know the um way to get to Sae's." She said rather embarrassed.  I just can't help myself from laughing at seeing her so flustered.

"Oh Eff, you don't have to be ashamed at asking for help. You know what I'm like. I almost need 24-7 assistance just to function properly." At this remark she bursts in to hysterics. His time I'm the one who takes her hand and starts walking.

In all fairness, I'm not too sure myself. I know what it looks like from the outside but the route is a bit cloudy in my mind. I take her the route which I believe to be correct. I know I am the general area so it must be close I quickly stop to think about which path to try next.

"Haymich, do you actually know where you are going? We've been here 3 tomes allready"

"Cource I do Sweetheart. What do you take me for?" I reply "We are just travelling by the scenic route." Effie starts sniggering but I just ignore it.

Less that 5 minutes later we arrive outside Sae's house. She was one if the first back in to twelve after everything happened and she helped Katniss a lot when she was struggling with accepting Prims death.

Effie walks up the door, knocks thrice, then steps off the door step to be by my side.

Effie's point of view

A woman opens the door who I presume must be Sae. I have heard a lot about her from Katniss and Peeta so I was ok with letting her look after my little Zoe.

"Hi I'm Effie and you must be Sae? Katniss and Peeta told me I could come and pick up Zoe whenever I was ready. Is that ok?"

"Welcome Effie. Yes I am Sae. Nice to meet you. Zoe has actually just woken up from her nap so I bet she would be happy to see you. Hello Haymich"

I follow Sae inside and am anxious to see Zoe and introduce her to Haymich. I step in to one of the side rooms to see Zoe sitting in a playpen playing with one of her cuddly toys, Peeta must have brought it with him, her eyes light up when she sees me. It must have been a strange day for her today. To start with she wakes up to a strange man, Peeta, then she is dropped off to a woman she has never met. It actually surprises me she is so calm.

I walk to the playpen and pick her up. I just stand there holding her for a minuite before I think of Haymich. I turn around, expecting to see him standing behind me. Instead he is standing in the hall peeking his head around the side of the doorframe. 

"Are you ok Haymich? You don't have to hide in the hall"

"It's just I've not been so close to a someone so small since my brother was that size.  I may just be the littlest bit scared."

At this I feel so much sympathy for him. Sometimes I forget what he has gone through and the way he used to distance himself for people.

"It's ok Haymich we can take things slow. I won't push you if you are too scared."

Zoe starts grabbing the for the air in the direction of Haymich. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if she senses something.

"See Haymich she wants to see her Daddy"

Haymich's point of view

I decided I was going to be brave. That's not the decision I would normally make but I know I have to be brave for her. I start walking towards Effie. As soon as I get close to her and the baby I start to feel funny. I can feel a sense of pride and love for the child. I haven't felt this way in so many years. I go and stand beside Effie and just look at my child.

'Oh my Effie she's beautiful!" I say tears starting to fall from my eyes. "She's just perfect, I allready love her so."

"See Haymich I knew you could be brave. She loves her daddy ever do much and I'm pleased you finally got to meet her. Do you want to hold her?" At this point Effie starts crying as well.  Silent tears fall down her face as she looks at me.

"But what if I break her?"

"Oh Haymich" She giggles tears still stained her face "You can't break her she's just like you, she's as tough as nails."

I start to chuckle as well.

I take Zoe in to my arms and just hold her there for a few minutes.  She little hands grabbing for my hair but all I could think about was that she was my child. No correction, she was mine and Effie's child and she was going to be loved for all eternity.

I passed her back to Effie and she got her strapped in to her buggy. I tried to give Sar some money for looking after Zoe but she wouldn't accept it. She insisted on the matter. Me and Effie said our fair wells and started heading back towards the village. We just had to hope we didn't bump in to anyone. Annie and Fin arrived today and we didn't want to take anything away form them.


Sorry It took me a bit longer to update this time. The updates may start becoming less frequent as school and stuff. I will still try to update every other day though. Happy reading

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