Chapter 10

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Annie's point of view

I don't know what started it off. Me and Peeta were sitting there chatting watching Fin play with the plush trident Katniss and Peeta got for him. It wasn't the trident as I see them all the time and I still have Finnick's trident on the wall in my home. We had just started talking about what we were going to do tomorrow when it started.

I sat there screaming with my hands clasped over my ears. Rocking back and forth on my chair. I could hear Peeta faintly in the distance but that's all it was- distant. 

I finally started to calm down. I was picturing little Fin laughing and it was bringing me back to my senses.  I removed my hands from my ears and looked up bleary eyed. Peeta was standing there holding Fin in his arms. When he saw I was recovering he came over and put his arm reassuringly on my shoulder and Fin grabbed one of my hands.  Peeta started whispering in my ear and told me just to go home and relax. He told me he would look after Fin and Katniss will come see me soon. I didn't exactly want to leave Fin but I knew it would be for the best. These moments are happening less and less, but I don't want him to be affected by them.

I thank Peeta, pick up my bag and leave through the back exit of the bakery. My first though is to go back to the house I'm staying at but I though I would be too much by myself. I find myself just wandering around the district. Quite a few people are our today but luckily no one here really recognises me. Or, if they do, that don't mention anything.  That's one of the most annoying things about 4. Everyone knows who I am.

I don't understand why but I end up walking in to the forest. I know there is a lake somewhere over there so I try to find it. I know that if I find water it will help me relax. I her noises but I ignore them. I've been wandering for about 20 minutes before I finally come across the lake. I pick a sturdy log and take a seat dipping my feet in to the lukewarm water. I know Peeta said Katniss will find me but I doubt it. No one who think I am brave enough to enter the woods alone.

Katniss point of view

I rush out the bakery and head towards the house Annie is staying in. I can't think where she could have gone but I feel like this is the best hope at the moment.

I reach the door and start knocking.  There are no light on but she could be doing that on purpose. There is still no reply so I lift the flap to the letterbox and peer inside. It looks like no one is home so I start to panic.  Where could she have gone. I start to go towards ours to ask Peeta if he knows where she has gone but as I am on my way I see a couple of deep footprints in the mud. No one lives down this part of the village so it must have been Annie. I follow the footprints the best I can and by the looks of it, whoever made it has been running.

When the footprint stop I look up to see that I am near the fallen fence. All the fences got pulled down after the rebellion but this one was different. This was the one Gale pulled down to save some of the people from the district.  Due to that, it has been kept as a form of memorial. 

I couldn't image Annie entering the woods on a normal day but I know first hand that when you have a moment you do things you wouldn't normally do, so I head off toward the woods.

I pick up one of the bows and a sheaf of arrows and start heading deeper in to the woods. I'm pleased I still had a set of these in the woods as I would not like to go further without them.

First I head toward the rundown house in which I met Bonnie and Twill. I looked through the broken window and see it undisturbed. I then go toward the lake with the strawberry bushes. Even if she's not there I can still pick for strawberries for later. We can afford to buy them now but I belive that they do not taste as good as these.

I am just walking towards the the strawberry bushes when  I see a flash of colour in the distance. I automatically notch an arrow to the string of my bow and aim it in to the distance.  I do not want to shoot too quickly however, incase it is Annie. I slowly tip toe around the first cluster of strawberry bushes when I see the colour again. This time I instantly recognise it as Annie's unmistakable ginger hair. I let out a sigh of relief and approach her carefully. I do not want to scare her as it might send her off again.

I get about 10 meters away when I call out to her. She spins around and spots me. A look of joyfulness covers her face as I run over to meet her. She is now sitting at the edge of the lake with her trousers rolled up to her thigh and her legs in the lake up to her knees. I pull off my boots and socks and sit down next to her.

"Annie are you ok? You gave me a fright when you wasn't at your house and I never though I would find you in here."

"I just remembered on of the promotional videos you did for 13 when you can to the lake and I knew it was where I should go to escape. You know how it is. You just have to do anything to calm down, so I though of water and came here" I let out a sigh of relief knowing she understood what I was going through.

"Well if you want you can sit here for a while whilst I pick some strawberries for later, although you can help if you want."

"I think I will stay here for a bit. I quite like soaking my legs in the water if that's all right with you."

I nod in agreement and head off to pick some strawberries. I didn't have a basket or bag or anything to put them in but luckily I was wearing a jacket so I removed it as started using it as a sort of bag.

I was picking strawberries for about an hour before Annie came over. I didn't realise it was starting to get so I was pleased when Annie came over. I pick up my jacket full of strawberries and my bow and arrows and we headed off home. 

Just before we got to the edge of the forest I stuffed the bow and arrows back in to their tree and we made out way back to mine.

Peeta's point of view

Katniss and Annie have been gone a while so I've been playing with Fin. He is a bit more reserved when Annie isn't around but it is still a joy spending time with him. Even though he is so young he still managed to light up my day.

Fin is able to craw about now. Annie forgot to mention that to me earlier so I put him on the floor quickly when I got home so I could quickly get one of the blankets me and Katniss keep down the side of our sofa. I then turn around to find Fin gone. St this moment I start to panic.  Annie will kill me if I lose Fin. I start calling his name and I am look everywhere for him. Then I hear a noise coming from the hall. I rush out there to find that Fin us sitting there with his toy trident hitting the edge of our mahogany table. At least Effie isn't here. I pick him up and carry him back to the living room.

Spending time alone with Fin made realise just how much I would like to have children of my own someday. About half an hour later I hear the sound of keys in the door. I'm pleased they are returning as it's quite dark now and I was starting to get worried. I pick Fin up and head in to the hall to greet them. Just as I step in to the hall the door swings open and in walk Katniss and Annie laughing hysterically. Annie rushes over and takes Fin in her arms. She rubs her nose his and gives his a peck on the cheek just as Katniss comes over and gives me a Kiss.

We all go to the kitchen and start eating the strawberries Katniss gathered. As I quickly melt some chocolate Katniss gets a bowl of sugar and puts it on the table. Annie gives Fin a strawberry but he just ends up smashing it in his hair.

After about an hour she leaves and me and Katniss snuggle up on the sofa. We shove on a Dvd and just start talking about random stuff when she shocks me a bit

"Peeta, do you ever want children?"

"Of course darling"  I reply. Normally when this is brought up she starts squirming and goes off topic bit today she didn't. 

"Me too Peeta. Me too"


Thanks everyone for reading expecially as this is quite a long chapter. 

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