Chapter 6

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Effie's point of view

After I told him I ran out of the room. I close the dining room door and burst in to tears. I don't know whether it was due to relief or stress but I just couldn't help it. I slump down and sit against the door. I do not know how long I was sitting there before I head the footsteps coming towards the door. I stand and try to make myself look presentable. I wipe the tears from my face and to tdy straghten my clothes. That's when the door opens.

Haymich's point of view

I open the door and see her standing there. For some reason I find myself giving her an embracing hug. She standing there shaking.

"Haymich,  I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't know how to break the news to you. Expecially after what was going on with the quarter quell and what not. It just wasn't the right time."

She stands there shaking. " Effie it's ok. It was to be expected. I'm just pleased you finally opened up and told me. It's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm not annoyed with you Effie. I am pleased for you. You can finally share the joy of parenthood with me."

She just sighs and rests her head against my shoulder. "Thanks Haymich. You know just what to say to make me feel better."

'When can I meet my gorgeous daughter?" I blurt out in excitement.

"Very soon" She replies as we walk out the door hand in hand.

Annie's point of view

I'm sitting on the train on the way to District 12. Little Fin has finally fallen asleep in his carrier and I finally get time to relax. The train will be arriving in about and hour and I will finally get to see everyone again. I speak to them on the phone quire regularly but I have seen them for a while. The main reason I am visiting 12 though is because I am contemplating moving there. Almost everyone I care about lives there so I just feel I will be able to cope better.  Really the only people I care about who do not live there are Gale and Joanna, that doesn't matter though as there are currently travelling around the districts together. They say they are just friends but I believe it is more than that.

The rest of the journey goes quickly and I arrive in 12 just after 11. The train pulls up at the station and I grab my belongings off the train. I open the door to the platform and climb off the train.  Fin is starting to fuss a bit but it is nothing to worry about. I told Peeta not to worry about meeting me at the station as I was going to unpack in one of the other houses in victors village. They are currently up for sale as there are no more games therefore there are no more victors, but you can also rent them out for a short period of time if you want to. That's what I did because I like having my own space and not having to rely on anyone else.

I unpack my belongings and pick Fin up from his carrier. He is no longer fussing but he remains awake. I decide to carry him in my arms and head towards the bakery to meet Katniss and Peeta.


Sorry it took me a while to update and it being a bit of a boring chapter. I wrote a lot more but it decided to delete itself before I went to upload it therefore I had to re - write it. Will update soon peeps.

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