Chapter 22

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Peeta's point of view

It's 5 am when I wake up. It's not unusual for me to wake up at this time but I know that there is nothing much I can do this morning to keep myself busy. I decide to try and get back to sleep so I turn to face Katniss, only it's not Katniss who I see. In front of myself I see Zoe. He eyes are open and I can see her looking at me. It looks like she has been awake awhile so instead of going back to sleep, i climb out of bed and take Zoe with me.

I realise that I needed to get Zoe changed in to some new clothing seeing as she is still in her dress from yesterday. Haymich and Effie's luggage was dropped off at the hotel we are staying at, but it's not my place to go through it. Instead I go through to the communal living room, I know I saw a phone in there. The room is empty just like I knew it would be.

I sit Zoe on the couch and I take a set on the floor in front of her.

"So Zoe, what's your favourite colour?" I ask her.

"Blue Unkie Peeta. I like blue"

I grab a sheet of paper and a pencil and give them to Zoe. That should keep her busy. I grab the phone and sit down in one of the armchairs. Before I know it the phone is ringing and I'm hoping o don't wake them up.

"Portia, it's Peeta. I hope I didn't wake you."

"Peeta of course it's you. I've been awake hours. No need for you to be worrying about me. What can I do for you today?"

"Well you probably saw the news yesterday and I was wondering if you could do me a small favour? I need some clothes for a child, a two year old girl to be precise. Do you think you would be able to pop put and get me some please. I wouldn't know where to go or what to get." I say sheepishly "don't worry about the price, I will reemburse you for them."

"Of course Peeta. Anything in paticular?"

"Blue's, purple's and green's if possibly please? Thank you so much Portia, I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem Peeta. I will see you in about an hour."

Portia hung up the phone so I put it on the side table and went back to Zoe. She is still doodling on the paper. I can't tell what it is but I can tell she is impressesd. I pick her and the picture up and walk through to the kitchen. I sit her on the island in the middle momentarily. Effie would probably go mental if she saw this but it's only quickly and I will wash the side before I use it next, and I attach her drawing to the fridge wth a magnet. She starts to clap so I run to her and hold her in my arms. She's starting to get sleepy again so I take her through to the living room and set her down on the sofa. She falls asleep almost instantly.

Now I'm the only one awake in this hotel. It's Me, Myself and I. Normally when I get bored in the mornings I bake, but as we are in the Capitol there is no need to. Instead I grab my sketchbook and start to draw. This time it's a scene from my childhood. It's the celebratory meal after my first time in the reaping. It's one of the only days if the year where we buy proper meat from the butchers and this time it was my favourite, beef. We didn't get much each but it was enough that wasn't all though. It was the day I got my first canvas. My drawing shows my parents face when they present me with the canvas. I can see the pride in their eyes.

When I'm about to put on the finishing touches there is a knock at the door. I quickly grab my art supplies and shove them behind the cushion and open the door.

Once Portia's inside we go through to the main living room. Zoe's still asleep but I can hear a noise coming from one of the rooms. I make a cup of hot chocolate for Portia and myself and go back to the living room. She gives me the bags of clothes and have a quick look through them. They are amazing. They actually look relatively normal compared to normal Capitol wear. I try to give Portia the money for them but she politely refuses. She tells me she has to be on her way and to call if I need anything. It was nice seeing her again and we will need to catch up soon.

When I get back to the living room Annie is sitting there feeding Fin. It's just gone seven now and we will all have to go out soon. I go and grab breakfast for Annie and myself and a bowl of strawberries for Zoe.

Annie and I finish our breakfast and she goes to get Fin ready. I decide it's time to wake Zoe again and get her ready. She doesn't fuss when she wakes so it's easy to get her ready. I put her in a blue blouse and a flowey black skirt. She is also wearing black dolly shoes and I tied her hair in loose bunches. She looks so normal you would never guess she is Effie's.

When Effie comes back with Fin I decide to go wake up Katniss. When I enter the room I see her lying on her stomach with her hand under her pillow. She looks so peaceful that I don't want to disturb her, but I have to.

I walk to the end of the end and move the covers. She sleeps with her socks off so I know it will wake her. I pick her hairbrush from the dresser and start to run it along the sole of her foot. She attempt to kick me but it doesn't work.

"Peeeeeettttaaaaaa" She wines in a playful voice "Was that really the best way to wake me?"

"Next time it will be water over your head hunny" I say mockingly. At this she sticks her tongue out at me and walks through to the bathroom.

It's gone 10 before we leave. Joanna turned up around 9. No one knows where she's been and she is reluctant to tell us so we just leave her be.

Katniss' point of view

Not everyone was going to the hospital. Peeta, Annie and the kids are going shopping. Gale should be getting discharged today so Joanna and him will probably just go back to the hotel to relax. I on the other hand need to be there for Haymich.

When I arrive at the hospital with Joanna she heads off to see Gale. Haymich is waiting for me by the entrance and I run and give him a hug. We go to the canteen to grab something to eat. I get a cup of coffee and Haymich gets a cheese and lettuce sandwich. We sit there talking about nothing much when a nurse comes over.

"Mr Abernathy, it's Effie. She's awake. "


Sorry for the lousy update and the fact it took so long. Hope you guys like it though :D I will try to update it more frequently now though.

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