Chapter 33

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Effie's point of view

Peeta and Katniss offered to take Zoe for the next couple of nights in order to allow Haymich and I have some peace and quiet. This is mainly due to the fact that we are unable to go on a honeymoon due to the fact our relationship is still sum what of a secret. Before that happens however the others are coming over to ours for the toasting. It wouldn't be real for Haymich unless it happens.

As Peeta gets the fire started in our living room fire Haymich ventures to the kitchen to grab a loaf of bread. Haymich and I each tear a large chunk of bread from the loaf and sick it on the end of a fire poker. As we grab it in our hands and place it in the fire a smile spreads over Haymich's face and it finally seems real. I am finally Mrs Abernathy.

After everyone leaves I run upstairs and order Haymich to stay seated in the living room. Not many people know it but in the Capitol it is traditional for the bride to buy the groom a present on their wedding day, and I've had mine stored at the bottom of my laundry basket since the week after Haymich proposed.

I reach in and grab to parcel, inspecting the wrapping to ensure it is all still in order. It still looks impeccable so I hold it behind my back and head downstairs.

"Haymich" I call excitedly. "Where's my loving husband?"

"Right where you told me to stay Sweetheart." He replies sarcastically.

I take a seat on the sofa next to him and place the parcel gently on his lap.

"So what this sweetheart?"

"It's Capitol tradition that the groom receives a gift from his bride on their wedding day." I inform him

"Marrying you is a gift enough for me." He tells me. "But I won't say no to this." He chuckles and shakes the box next to his ear.

As he gently slides his finger under the paper, taking extra care not to rip it I can't help but get excited. I hope he likes it. When all the paper is finally off he is left with just a box.

"Open it." I urge him as he just sits there staring at it. He gently removes the lid from the box and just stares at the contents.

As he slowly lifts it from it wrapping it looks just like I hoped it would. Inside the box is a locket, silver not gold, not too unlike Peeta's from the quell. He fumbles with the latch to see what's inside. As it opens I see a tear fall down his cheek. Inside is a picture of Zoe from the day she was born; a lock of her hair encased by a small glass screen and a picture of the two of us together.

"Effie. It's lovely. I don't know what to say." He says as he slides the locket over his head. "It's just too beautiful. Just like you." Giving me a quick peck on the lips as he says it.

"Knew I married you for a reason."

Peeta's point of view

As Katniss and I walk Zoe back go our home she can't help but talk. She is really excited. Apparently she loves staying round ours because there are not as many rules. In my opinion we're quite strict, but compared to what Effie's like I guess we're lenient.

"So Zoe." Katniss asks "What do you want to do?"

"Piggy back, piggy back!" She shouts whilst making grabby hands at me. I take both of her hands and loft on on to my shoulders. Not quite a piggy back buts she still seems to be enjoying it.

"Auntie Katniss' turn" I say exhaustively taking Zoe down and putting her on the floor.

"Yeah my turn." She replies without moaning. She must be I'm a good mood. I go to take a step foward when I feel Katniss jump on my back.

"Not quite what I meant." I tell her, taking Zoe's hand and going through to the living room. I drop Katniss on the sofa and take and sheet of paper on and pencil for Zoe. "Why don't you draw a nice picture for me and Auntie Katniss?" I say to Zoe, handing her the supplies.

"Ok but you no see." She squeels, running off in to the dining room.

"I can't belive how big she's gotten." I say to Katniss "To think she's almost 3!"

"Neither can I. It makes me feel really old." She says laughing.

"Hey missy" I say poking her in the ribs. "I'm older so you can't complain."

"By two whole weeks. Big deal."

By this point we are in a full out poking war. I try to jab Kaniss I'm the ribs whilst she's trying to get the back of my neck.

"Ouch!" I scream as I fall off the sofa on to the floor. "No fair you wasn't meant to kiss me."

"Well you're just going to have to deal with it mister." She replies, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Unkie Peet" I hear Zoe call. I immediately stand to go see her.

As I enter the dining room I see her sitting on the floor, using the seat of the chair as a table. "Help please" She begs.
"What do you need help with sweetie?" I ask whilst glancing at the picture

"What's Aunt Kas favourite colour?"

"Green." I instantly reply. Remembering the conversation we had on the train many moons ago.

"Thanks Unkie Peet."

I nod in acknologemnt, leaving to go back to the living room. As soon as I enter I hear Katniss speaking.

"My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am 19 years old. My home is district 12. I live with Peeta. I love Peeta. He loves me. Haymich and Effie got married. Zoe is staying here. Zoe. Zoe."
The repetition of Zoe's name brings Katniss out of her moment. "It's all right hunny." I say running to her. She doesn't reply. She just rests her head in my shoulder and starts to sob.

So this chapters better than the last. Hope you enjoy :D

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