Chapter 29

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Peeta's point of view

Hand in hand Katniss and I walk on to the brightly lit stage.  The sound of the crowd going wild fills my ears and I feel the grip on my hand tightning. Slowly we walk over to where Ceaser is waiting for us.

Once again his hair is lemon yellow, and he is wearing a yellow tux with purple details, which I have to admit is extreme even for him. When we finally reach the sofa seat set out for us I take a seat,  sitting on my real leg. Katniss sits to the right of me, crossing her legs, a habit Effie is trying to make her break.  I run my hand through the velvet material of the surface, drawing swirls absentmindedly when Cesar starts to address us.

"Peeta, Katniss. It's been too long. Too long since we last spoke to you. So how are Panem's most talked about couple?"

I look to Katniss to see if she's going to answer. She looks lost in though and I doubt she actually heard the question - typical Katniss

"We're both great" I answer "everything is finally starting to return to normal."

"That's it?" He asks in a questioning tone. "Come on Peeta, give us some details."

"We've never been closer. Still I can't believe I actually got my girl on fire."

As I spoke them words I see Katniss look up. I knew I shouldn't have said that.  Instead I take her hand and gently raise it to my face before I give it a quick kiss and rest it on my leg. An 'Awwwww' escapes from the crowd due to the PDA and Ceaser flashes us a smile.

"So Ceaser? " Katniss asks "how have you been?"

"Well Katniss this interview is about you. Don't you worry about me." He chuckles "Any imprtant news coming from you two?"

The crowd goes silent on anticipation. Some peopel are leaning slightly foward in their seats.

"No such news from us Ceaser." Katniss and I both say at the same time "unless you count the fact that Peeta's bakery has started to make apple turnovers."

I can't help but laugh at Katniss' words.  Only she would be able to come up with a reply like that. 

"Not quite what I was after Katniss, but that's probably the most person thing we are going to be getting from you isn't it?"

"Right you are Ceaser my friend. Right you are."

We continue to talk for another 15 minuites before its time to leave. President Paylor informed us we are not to tell anyone about Katniss' new job. The only people we were allowed go tell were Haymich, and as a result Effie.

When it's finally time for us to leave the stage the crowd stand as one. Together they lift the three middle fingers of their left hands to their lips then raise them in the air. A sign of respect. We quickly thank Ceaser and the crowd for their hospitality and walk offstage the way we walked on, hand in hand.

It's a further two hours before we leave.  Ceaser was adamant on interview each and every one on us, some went on together such as Annie and Joanna whereas others went alone, Haymich and Effie. The crowd still doesn't know about Zoe, or Haymich and Effie's relationship. Gale doesn't go on stage at all.

Ceaser finally bring us all back on stage together at the end of the interview, just to thank us all again and invite us all back to the capitol soon. In my opinion soon will be about 5 years, however we all know this will not be the case. If we're lucky it will be in no sooner than a year.

No less than an hour later, we are finally back on the train on our way home to district 12.

Finally going back to 12. Sorry its short, I just wanted to update. Thanks for reading have a good day :D

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