Chapter 9

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Katniss point of view

After I left the baker I didn't know what I was going to do. Talking with Annie and Peeta started  making some of the memories come back. Normally they only come to during the night. It's been so long since they disturbed me during the day.

I was standing outside snows mansion in the CapitolThere is a pen of children.  Care packages come down. They are not care packages, they are bombs. I see Prim running and she see's me. Another bomb goes off.

I find myself sitting on the floor near the Hob. Bawling my eyes out. Prim would be so proud of how far I have come. More flashbacks keep appearing.

Finnick being eaten. Boggs transferring the Holo. Me singing to Rue. Mags walking in to the fog.

The flashback just won't stop. Normally if this happens I talk to Peeta and he helps me through it but he is with Annie and I know how sensitive she can get and she is just starting to pull herself together for Fin so I do not want to affect her.  I couldn't even go to Haymich because who knows what he is going through at the moment.

I somehow manage to make my way back to my house, not the house I share with Peeta ( which is the one he got given when we 'won' the the 74th Hunger Games) the last one in which my mother, Prim and I last lived in. I reach the kitchen and sit at the table.  There is a thin layer of dust caking the top as the house is rarely used. I try to avoid coming in here so the only person who uses it is my mother when she comes to visit and that is not too often as district 12 reminds her too much of my father and Prim.

I finally manage to stop the tears and walk to the phone. I know I have to talk to someone otherwise I will be just as bad when I go back to the bakery. I has allready started dialling before I finally registered who I was actually calling.

Joanna's point of view

I hear the phone ringing. This shocked me as we are currently at my house in District 7. By we I mean Gale and myself. The reason it is a surprise is because most people think we are travelling between districts at the moment. The only people who know we are at mine are Annie and Katniss.

I walk to the receiver and see that the call is coming from District 12. This can't be good. I pick up the receiver and put it to my ear.

"It's Katniss is this Joanna?"

"Katniss are you ok? You sound like you've been crying."  I ask frantically. Me and Katniss only started getting close after the rebellion. She help me get back on my feet after my incident in the Capitol, but she knows me and Gale are just having some time alone at the moment so if she's calling it must be for something major.

"Joanna, I can't do it. Everything's too much. Annie's just got here but all the memories are coming back" Katniss say sobbing uncontrollably "How can I stop them. I can't let anyone else know"

"Katniss just calm down and take a deep breath for a moment. What started this all? You've been really good with everything."

"I don't know Joanna. Annie and Fin just arrived and we were all talking in the bakery then the memories just started coming back. Also Effie's arrived in 12 yesterday."

"Katniss, me and Gale can come to 12 if you want? Do you think it will help?"

"Joanna I can't let you come to 12. You and Gale are finally getting some time together. Also Gale can't know about this. You know how much he blames himself for it even though it's not his fault" She let's out a sigh.

"Just for that Katniss we are coming to 12. Don't worry though I won't tell Gale. I will just make up some lie about wanting to see everybody. Although I would be lying if I said I don't miss them. I will see you in a couple of days. To pass the time why don't you go and do some much needed shopping. I know how you hate spending money unnecessarily but treat yourself, I can guarantee it it make you feel better. I have to go book tickets so o will see you soon. Byeeee" I say dragging the 'e'. The gang will finally be back together. Or as together as it will ever be again. 

I put the phone down and shout to Gale

"Oi you lazy so and so. Get your but down these stairs now." I shout at the top of my lungs. There is a loud 'Bang!' As I see him jump over the banister of the stairs.

'I told you to stop doing that, you will make a hole in the floor!"

"What, are you calling me fat?" He says rubbing his stomach and pretending to cry

"Oh you silly buffoon. Just though I would let you know we're taking a trip to 12"

At this I see him flash a quick smile. Showing all of his teeth. I though this would make him happy as he has been dying to go out hunting again but he doesn't like doing it anywhere else that the woods near 12.

"Pack you bags because we are leaving in 3 days and if you're not ready when I go to leave I will leave you here!" I say in a condescending tone. At this he laughs.

"Course darling. I shall be ready and waiting for your next instructions." He quickly runs and taps me on the head "tag your it!" He screams then goes running out the front door. I take off after him.

Katniss point of view

After my phone call with Joanna I can allready feel myself cheering up. She always knows just what to say to make me better. I leave the house and make sure that from the outside at least it looks like it hasn't been disturbed. If it looks any different Peeta will know something was wrong.

I start walking back to the bakery when I realise that I don't know what I look like. For all I know I look a mess. I change my route so I can walk past the still empty shops so I can check my reflection in one of the windows.

I am standing outside checking my reflection in the window. I try sorting out my hair as it has gone a bit wild but otherwise I look fine.

"Being a bit vain are we sweetheart?" I hear from behind me, followed by the sound of laughter. I turn around to see Haymich and Effie pushing Zoe in her stroller.

"Sorry Haymich you startled me just making sure I look All right because I tripped over a log and didn't want my hair to be messed up. I know it's a but petty but oh well"

At this he starts laughing "The girl on fire still struggles staying on her own two feet." We say our goodbyes and head in different directions.  I'm pleased he didn't question me more and I feel like he was pleased I didn't question him. Expecially as what he is going through it a lot worse that what I am.

I finally get back to the bakery and just stand outside for a minuite. I check my watch to find that I have been gone for 2 hours. I'm surprised Peeta hasn't come looking for me. I walk in and one of Peeta's workers greets me. I rely and walk through to the back.

When I open the door to Peeta's office I am shocked at what I find. The chairs are empty and on Peeta's whiteboard is a note scrawled in his messy writing.

                         Annie had a moment, taken Fin back to ours.
                          Please go see her when you see this. You know
                          Where she will be, Peeta.
Sorry for not updating in a couple of days. Had major writer block but finally got something written. Will try to update later as I finally have some free time. Thanks for over 300 reads, you guys are amazing! Hope you like it

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