Chapter 15

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Haymich's point if view

I am waiting at the ruins of the justice building waiting for Effie to turn up. I hope Effie manages to work out the clue. It could have been about anything but when thinking of what to do, all I could think of was Peeta and Katniss' first reaping when  I drunkenly went up to Effie and puller her in to a bear up and made her wig crooked. This was followed by me falling off the stage. This is one of my biggest regrets as I feel that I embarrassed Effie and made her look weak. I just hope she forgives me.

I sit on one of the broken steps and straighten out my jacket. I had time to change in to my newly purchased suit. I don't think I have spent this much in years. It is a midnight blue suit with matching waistcoat and tie. It's moments like this I am pleased I was forced to sober up as I would still be the horrific drunk I used to be.

I had been waiting for about half an hour when I see a blonde head bobbing in the distance. I automatically know it is Eff8ie just because of the way she walks. I stand up and straighten my jacket again. She come running towards me and I feel myself running toward her. I grab her in an embracing hug and she presses her lips to mine. Her lips are soft but her cheeks are wet and I can tell she has been crying. 

"Oh Haymich I can't believe you are here. It took me ages to find you. I though this would be about the drink. This is really about the 74th games isn't it?" She gives me a look like a parent gives a naughty child

"Yeah it is. I'm so sorry about that day Effie I just" She presses her finger to my lips to stop me from talking and I can feel heat radiating off it.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. That day was the wakeup call I needed. That day is one of the greatest of my life and I will never forget how it all started with you little act. For it I am forever great full."

I just stand there in silence and stare at her. When I finally pluck up the courage to talk again I chose my words wisely.

"Sweetheart. You know just what to say to make me feel human again. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't know what I would do if you wasn't in my life. I am going to be forever in your debt just because your answer was yes. Effie Trinket you mean everything to me."

She just looks at me in awe and starts laughing to herself. I think she is going to make fun of me but I am surprised by what she says.

'It's Abernathy, not Trinket. Me you and Zoe are finally a proper family"

With that I take her hand and start walking back to our home.

I arranged for Peeta and Katniss to look after Zoe for the night. They were allready looking after Fin as Annie got called to 3 quickly to see Joanna.  They are going to have their hands full but it will be good practice for when they start a family of their own.

When we get to the house we go and curl up on the sofa and put some comedy on the TV.  I don't think either of us are actually watching it but it's nice for background noise. We remain there for about and hour before Effie suggests we go upstairs.

Effie changed in to one of my old tops and I in to shorts and we got in to bed. She lays resting her head on my bare chest and her foot is wrapped under my leg. One of my hands is running it's finger through her hair whilst the other is drawing circles on her bare leg. She leans up and places a kiss on my cheek and I let out a sigh. The next thing I know, it's morning.

When I woke up Effie was still asleep. The T-shirt she was wearing last night now lays on the floor and I step over it on my way to the kitchen. Peeta has been teaching my how to make pancakes so I get out the ingredients and start to prepare the batter.

Just before I go to pour the  batter to make the first pancake I set up the tray. On it I place some sugar, lemon juice, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate sauce. I'm not entirely sure what toppings she likes so I though I would give her a choice.

The first pancake I tried to flip ended up on the floor and the next on my head. The third was successful and I felt a feeling of pride rush over me. I make a total of 8 pancakes and slip them over two plates. I place them on the tray and carry it upstairs.

I push open the bedroom door to see Effie still asleep. I manage to scoop the top up off the floor with my foot and chuck it on the best next to Effie.

"Effie, Sweetheart, wakey wakey."

She start to stir and I see her open her eyes. I point her towards the top and she pulls it over her head. I place the tray across her lap and give her a quick peck on the forehead. She pats the bed next to her so I climb in and eat pancakes with her.

After the pancakes are finished she places the tray on the floor and rests her head on my arm. We curl up together and just lay there for a while. A smell of vanilla wafts from her hair and I just breathe the sent in.

That's when Effie says something that makes me both shocked and extremely amused.

"Haymich, I love you more than Mahogany."

For Effie that is a bold statement. It shows that Me her and Zoe are finally a family.


Two chapters in one day. I really enjoyed writing the last few chapters and it wouldn't be the same without my readers. I really appreciate all of you who take your time to read my story.

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